7 facts of psychology, who need to know each
A Life / / December 19, 2019
1. You are irrational, but it may be to your advantage
Most people think that they think logically and make rational decisions. However, a lot of books written in the last 10-15 years, refute this assertion.
In the book, the psychologist Daniel Kahneman (Daniel Kahneman) «Think slowly resolved quickly ..."Tells us that most of the decisions in our lives is done in seconds and is based on emotion and intuition. It makes us fall into traps and explains our vulnerability to manipulation.
But irrationality is always hurts us. In his book "The power of instant decisions. Intuition as a skill"Malcolm Gladwell (Malcolm Gladwell) explains that intuitive decision-making helps us to do that which would have been impossible without this ability.
A good example - the rapid decision-making in sport, which makes move beyond rational thought and act, ahead of the thinking process. This allows athletes to see the ball flying in the air and catch it, not counting the path and crash site. This knowledge without thought - pure irrationality.
How does this apply to life
People used to spend time thinking to consider the issue from all sides and make a decision after careful consideration. But at a time when rapid development pervades all spheres of life, decision-making often takes place in a temper, and that's fine.
Knowing that solutions actually takes an irrational mind, you can choose to learn quickly. If you do not like computer games or sports, even a simple game at a time like the word selection will help you develop the ability to quickly and correctly choosing.
2. You underestimate the role of chaos and luck
Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Nassim Nicholas Taleb) in his books "Black Swan"And"fooled by randomness"Proves to people that they are:
- We tend to underestimate the impact of chaos on their lives;
- use logic to determine what happened, even after it happened, and do so even in the case where the event was an accident.
But the case will can play in your favor. In his book "wisdom of crowds"James Shuroveski (James Surowiecki) says that sometimes the best thing we can do - is to trust the collective opinion.
For example, if you want to invest in an intelligent, the best option - to ask random people, which brands they know and, based on their responses, create an investment portfolio. This casual approach will help you get much more than if you had entrusted their money to the broker.
How does this apply to life
Do not be afraid to take decisions based on the opinions of others. For example, if you are experiencing difficulties at work, ask people from another department, how they would solve your problem. If you want to know the opinion about his new product, ask at random buyers.
3. You should not obsessed with talent
What we believe talent is the main criterion of success can be explained by our desire to search for cause and effect. But many studies show that talent is not necessary when it comes to success in life and work.
In the book "Talent at anything"Geoff Colvin (Geoffrey Colvin) and"Stop dreaming, get busy!"Cal Newport (Cal Newport) shows that, despite the use of talent, this is not all that is needed for success.
In the book "game master"Robert Green (Robert Greene), the author explains that success is largely dependent on the acquired experience, practices and achieve excellence in the chosen business.
Lack of talent - just an excuse not to succeed in business you have chosen.
How does this apply to life
Talent 90% is created by man, not given by nature. Choose an area in which you want to succeed and get to work.
4. Thinking negatively - of course, but you can change it
In the book, "How the brain works," Steven Pinker (Stephen Pinker) explains that from an evolutionary point of view, man is beneficial to think negatively. Emotions such as fear or anger protect us from predators and enemies, and feelings such as gratitude and pride are deadly. These emotions are good to lie down and enjoy life, but they will not help to survive.
On the other hand, recent studies confirm that people are living longer and better if they are happy. Positive emotions even help prevent disease. It turns out that the positive was dangerous for our cave ancestors, but for the modern man the positive emotions - the key to a good life.
In his book "Positivity" Barbara Fredrickson (Barbara Fredrickson) reveals the secret of a happy life. It consists in the fact that positive emotions are three times higher than the negative. According to psychologist Martin Seligman (Martin Seligman), author of the book "How to learn optimism"Even the most negative people can be happy, fulfilling simple exercises.
How does this apply to life
By negativity tend to not only you, but all the people around you. If you - the head, you know that all your team members are set to negative thinking.
By investing in their well-being, you increase the productivity of your team and help prevent staff turnover. And the best way to do it - listen. Ask how they feel at work, they would like to change, what they lack, and help them as much.
5. Do you like to work, but do not realize it
In his book "Flow: Psychology optimal experiences"American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) describes flow as a state in which we lose all sense of time and enjoy the moment. Since the flow combines fun and progress, that is what the state allows us to work really well.
According to the book "Drive: What really motivates us"Daniel Pink (Daniel Pink), people have the ability, which can be called intrinsic motivation - the desire to do something out of a sense of inner satisfaction.
Intrinsic motivation is natural for a person: we are predisposed to act, work or solving problems. This motivation exists in primates who like to solve puzzles, without any remuneration or reason.
So why are most of us take a job as a punishment, not as a game? Neil Fiore (Neil Fiore) in the book "Easy way to stop to postpone things for later"I explain that we are losing the ability to enjoy their work at school. However, if you create the right mood, nothing can stop you resurrect your inner child and start enjoying work again.
How does this apply to life
The best thing you can do is to enter the state of flow, - to concentrate and get rid of distractions. Find that helps you to concentrate and create the necessary conditions.
Then we can only solve the problem by applying their skills and at the same time to see a clear purpose. A small challenge their own abilities, too, will benefit. the average level of complexity of the problem to help get into the flow state is much better than very difficult or too light.
6. The concentration on the present moment - the key to productivity and happiness
State of flux - it is when you avoid any thoughts that do not belong to the present moment, and fully concentrate on the task at hand.
Most people find it difficult to get into this state, but it's worth it to try. The closer you come to the full concentration, the more you do and become happier.
How does this apply to life
You will be hard to fully concentrate on the task, if you do not understand what the flow.
Barbara Fredrickson believes that the best way to be happy and learn to concentrate on the present moment - to develop the habit of meditation. Instead of drinking tea after dinner, find a quiet place and meditate at least five minutes - Concentrate on your breathing and do not let a single thought.
7. Charisma gives real power
Even in the early work on self-development, for example in the book of Dale Carnegie "How to Win Friends and Influence People"Mentions that the impression you have on the other - the most powerful tool in your arsenal. But remember that these are other people, such as psychopaths.
That charisma, not diabolical spell or handcuffs, makes you fall under their influence. Such people have great charisma and know how to use it. In the book "The snake in a suit when a psychopath goes to work" Robert Hare (Robert D. Hare) and "The wisdom of psychopaths"Kevin Dutton (Kevin Dutton) explains that the psychopaths often have power because of their magnetism.
What's so special charisma? In the book "Charisma. How to influence, persuade and inspire"Olivia Fox Kabeyn (Olivia Fox Cabane) tells that the main criterion for charisma - this impression, you are stronger, more prosperous, more powerful or more powerful than others, and use this power to help them.
But this is only one facet of charisma. Treat people with warmth - also a good option. The simplest advice, there is still time to Carnegie - smiles.
How does this apply to life
You can not simulate charisma, if not actually having the desired feelings - confidence, concern for people, positive. However, there is another opportunity to deceive themselves and to become more charismatic.
Easy way to feel more confident before a presentation or meeting - imagine that you - a large and powerful animal like a gorilla or lion.
Our brain responds promptly to the imagination, because it affects the limbic system faster than the prefrontal cortex, which establishes cause and effect relationships.
In response to an imaginary animal will change your body language so that you will look and feel more charismatic.
Try to apply this knowledge in their lives. They will help you better achieve your potential and get more pleasure from work and daily activities.