Pensionable service for the self-employed, the rules for control and fishing in protected lakes - all of the innovations that are waiting for the Russians.
The property
1. On March 1, before starting to build a house on a garden plot or plots for individual housing construction, it is necessary to give noticeFederal Law "On Amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" dated 8/3/2018 number 340-FZ the beginning of works in the relevant authorities of the local municipality. This is a prerequisite for entering information about the building in the Unified State Register of Real Estate.
2. From March 2 changes the orderOrder of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation on September 24, 2018 № 514 define cadastral value property. This applies to new re Rounds objects and those whose characteristics have changed. Cadastral value will depend on the area of buildings, premises, parking spaces and specific indicator of the cadastral value.
March 1 to start operating a newDecree of March 27, 2018 № 331 regulation of activities of emergency dispatch services. In it are listed as possible reactions to the complaints of citizens: to answer the call manager must be within five minutes; eliminate clogging garbage and sewage networks to locate the accident - for two hours with the application; localize accident on networks eliminate accidental damage - for three days.
1. Tax Act on professional income It does not mean the payment of insurance premiums. However, since March the self-employed will be able to earn pensionable service if they contribute money to the pension fund voluntarily. In this case, the duration of the "on" zachtutRF Government Decree of 19/02/2019 number 160 "On Amendments to the Rules of calculation and confirmation of insurance for establishing pension insurance" in the insurance period. To score? 2019 as a whole, need to list at least 29 thousand rubles.
2. From March 4 to apply for a pension at any FIU department registration no longer mattersOrder of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 28/1/2019 number 43n "On amendments to some orders of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation on the appointment and payment of pensions".
March 14 Russians period endsRussian Foreign Ministry on March 21, 2018 "On the order of entry into the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, the Russian Federation citizens" visa-free visit to Macedonia.
Water features
March 28 residents of the territories conservation areas are allowed to useFederal Law of 27/12/2018 number 515-FZ "On Amendments to Article 26.1 of the Federal Law" About the Museum Russian fund and museums in the Russian Federation "and Article 66 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation" local water bodies. It is assumed that they will be able, for example, fishing in protected ponds. But the exact list of what can and can not do, is set in advance objects.
Public procurement
1. On March 1, public procurement and procurement of small volume drugs by the decision of the medical commission will be carried out only through a single aggregator of trade "Birch».
initiallyOrder of April 28, 2018 № 824-r it was planned that the government will begin to operate a corresponding order from 1 November 2018. But then, dates have been pushed backDecree of the Russian Government dated 27 October 2018 № 2326-p On Amendments to the Decree of the Russian Government dated 28 April 2018 824 N-r March. From November 2018 through the "Birch" was purchased only stationery, now the law enters into force in its entirety.
2. Treasury Russia will keep a register ofRF Government Resolution dated December 28, 2018 № 1711 "On the order of conducting the register of legal entities specified in paragraph 2 of Article 1 of the Federal Law" On procurement of goods, works, and certain kinds of services legal entities ", registered in the unified information system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs " legal entities registered in the unified information system in the field of public procurement.
Since March 1, all companies that transport passengers on busesThey will have to obtain a licenseFederal Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation to improve the licensing of passenger transport by buses and other persons "from 30.10.2018 number 386-FZ. Without them, can go only transport government agencies and the one that does not leave on the public road. On receipt of the relevant documents by carriers have 120 days.
Previously, licenses were required only for companies engaged in regular service. For custom was sufficient notice.
Far hectare
From 28 March to get "Far hectare" is permittedThe Federal Law of 27.12.2018 number 503-FZ and participants of the program of voluntary resettlement of compatriots. But to do this they will need to become citizens of the Russian Federation.
On March 29, foreigners and stateless persons from countries with complex socio-political and economic situation willThe Federal Law of 27.12.2018 number 544-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Citizenship of the Russian Federation " appeal to the president asking for Russian citizenship in a simplified manner. It will be easier to get a Russian passport, and the participants of the program of voluntary resettlement of compatriots.
see also🧐
- 8 situations in which the cost savings with the help of "public services"
- 20 ways to save on utilities
- It is believed the pension in 2019