How to create a fascinating YouTube-Video: 11 Secrets To Success
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Ruslan Roznov
Head of Training and Development Group of Companies "Ingrad".
YouTube has long evolved from entertainment for teenagers in one of the main platforms for the promotion of ideas and goods. If you want to convey your thoughts to millions of people through the Internet, you should be able to do it in a language.
The secrets of creating successful movies can peek at the popular YouTube, in which millions of subscribers on YouTube. Let's try to decipher their recipe for success.
1. Be brief
Best of all, if the movie duration will not exceed 10-12 minutes. Long recording in video blogs are relatively rare.
The maximum length of a video - 30 minutes. The quality of the video should be on top, and connect a few lines in the plot.
2. Observe the balance between entertainment and direct motivation
You do not need to beg for every 15 seconds of huskies and repost video. It is not necessary to repeat several times the advertising appeal. Content should be interesting in itself, then the audience will agree with it and swallow your advertising.
Unspoken rule - no more than three invitations layknut and subscribe to one video.
3. Weave fabric of storylines
Fit the roller so that every 30-60 seconds, a change of the storyline.
For example, you have interviewed three people who have different attitudes to the subject of your video, and then recorded their position. During installation stir storylines so that the viewer first became acquainted with all the heroes. Then show how your position is opened and the characters change their attitude to the subject.
So the viewer's attention will be focused on video. There is a psychological effect unfinished action inspect clip until the end.
4. Use the effect of a breaking wave
scenes of alternating frequency should vary throughout the video. First there are the fragments for 10-15 seconds, then the longer intervals (30-60 seconds), then again pieces for 10-15 seconds.
5. Add movement
Try to fill the video events. Let the characters somewhere to go, someone there, try to do something different that will direct expression of the idea that you are trying to convey to the audience. As an example, channel "blog Hachaยป.
6. Talk hands
Face, close-up shot, even with bright facial expression looks difficult, so add more gestures. The period of active attention in the modern audience is reduced to 8 seconds. Keep it just to help gesturesThat can be used throughout the video.
7. Be a bright personality, but remain man
Champions of the subscribers and remind Laika freaks, but they remain a lot of humanity. If the hero is complete scumbag, that popularity can not be long to keep. The audience did not want to identify themselves with him, the emotional bond is formed. Thus, the Russian-speaking superstar YouTube Ivangay (12 million subscribers) more likable than the brutal child blemish Yury Khovansky (3.3 million subscribers).
8. share personal
Video intended for the blog should talk about some aspects of your personal life: enthusiasm, Friends, favorite movies or books. So there is a recognition effect. Heroes clear audience and become part of his life.
9. Invite to shoot bright and well-known stars of the audience
Let them express their opinions. It is not necessary that it is laudatory. Let the celebrity along with you to try to understand the theme of your video.
10. Remove the teaser
Separately, take a short introductory video (up to 15 seconds), which will tell you what your video and attract viewers. In the teaser, you can submit a guest star and briefly describe the plot.
11. live emotions
The video format has a strong emotional impact. Try to mount the material so that at the beginning and end of your video were bright and vivid emotions the main characters. They are remembered most of all - triggered edge effect.
see also
- Top 10 video filming rules on the iPhone or Android-smartphone โ
- 3 secrets of success Viral Video โ
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