10 things you do not buy millenialy
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Millenialy not wasted on many goods, products and entertainment. Perhaps they are young and they have no money, but marketers are other explanations.
1. Fabric softener
Vain attempt to manufacturers and other Lenor fabric softeners: millenialy bypass the shelves with orderly rows of multi-colored bottles.
Shailesh Dzheyurikar (Shailesh Jejurikar), who oversees the P & G facilities for fabric care, says most millenialov do not know why there is air conditioning.
2. Housing
In 2016, the number of young (18 to 34 years old) owners of real estate has declined to the lowest figure for 30 years. And for the first time in a century, it was noted that young people often live with their parents than with their spouses.
Marketers see two reasons. At first, millenialy not in a hurry to grow up and take serious commitments like education of children and mortgages.
Supermobile generation feels the same way as in the 20th century 30 years.
Second, analysts believe that the young people who grew up in poor neighborhoods are less inclined to move and develop. Guys and girls are less likely to go to college, and then get a prestigious job, a high income and, accordingly, to buy housing. But even if things are going with their studies, the majority of these young people remain at his residence.
3. diamonds
The diamond industry figured out why there millenialov weak demand for the gems. Young people do not buy diamonds for ethical reasons: diamond mining - a dirty business, and slave labor of miners for a penny.
Millenialam not need stones mined at such a price. It would be better artificial diamonds grown in laboratories.
4. lottery tickets
For millenialov raised on video and computer games, lotteries do not represent such an interest as for their parents. Manufacturers lotteries are scratching their heads as to make tickets attractive to young people, but so far without much success.
5. solid soap
Millenialy prefer liquid soap in chunks, and it's not a fashion or convenience. The main reason - hygiene. They believe that on the soap after use are microbes.
6. Cereals and cereal
Almost 40% of young people surveyed in 2015, marketing agency Mintel, said that the cereal - it's awkward breakfastBecause after they have to wash the dishes.
7. mass market beer
Millenialy for aesthetics alcohol consumption. They want to taste, innovation and diversity again. Therefore prefer crafting beer.
8. Cable TV
Most of the young people find content on the Internet. And she simply can not afford cable TV. No own home, there is a big screen TV, and finally, there is no money.
9. Big Mac
According to "McDonald," only one of the five millenialov tried "Big Mac". The reasons are not specified. Just wrote that for the younger generation corporate burger "less relevant".
10. Securities
Here, everything is easy. Millenialov When asked why they do not invest in the stock market, they often respond: "No money." This was stated by 46% of respondents.
It turns out that the main reason for which millenialy do not buy a lot of things - yet the lack of funds.