10 little tricks that will make you smarter
A Life / / December 19, 2019
1. Use bright light
Easy replacement of the bulb in the lamp on the brighter will become smarter.
At the University of Michigan conducted the experienceLight modulates hippocampal function and spatial learning in a diurnal rodent species: A study using male nile grass rat. in rodents. With a lack of light in animals and decreased activity of the hippocampus - part of the brain responsible for learning and memory.
At the same time in bright light rodents better meet its objectives: to memorize a route through the maze and find a way out of it. Moreover, the study found that those individuals who first lived in the dark and then were placed to light, Improved cognitive function.
In humans, this principle also works, so do not skimp on electricity when studying or working.
2. Go On A Picnic
If you are reproached that instead of working on a project, you look out the window, feel free to reply to that pumped their creativity. The contemplation of nature, especially if the leave in the forest, field or on the coast - a magic pill that can improve the creative abilities by 50%
Creativity in the Wild: Improving Creative Reasoning through Immersion in Natural Settings..Stay in nature restores focus and concentration, pumps strategic planning and critical thinking.
3. Train
According to studies, even one training It can cause neurochemical changesCan a single exercise session benefit your brain?With positive effects on the brain.
Scientists believe that the positive effect was observed due to the flow of oxygen to the tissues of the body, including the contents of the skull.
4. Have sex
Dopamine and oxytocin, are produced with intimacy, a positive effect on brain function. studies show Frequent Sexual Activity Predicts Specific Cognitive Abilities in Older Adults.That older people who engage in Intercourse weekly, to better cope with tests on verbal fluency and visual-spatial abilities.
5. Get out in the sun
A sufficient amount of vitamin D providesVitamin D prevents cognitive decline and enhances. improvement of cognitive ability. Animal studies have shown that its entry into the body provides a quick positive effect in solving problems on memory and learning.
The easiest way to get a dose of vitamin D3 - go out in the sun. It is synthesized in the body under ultraviolet light.
6. Before going to bed
Researchers at the University of Rochester found that during sleep the brain intercellular fluid flushesStudy that Shows How Brain Cleans Itself While We Sleep Honored by AAAS. protein toxic waste generated during the period of wakefulness.
It is therefore recommended not to neglect the rules of healthy sleep and spend in bed for at least seven hours. In return, you get a higher concentration, the ability to effectively solve problems and think faster.
7. Write by hand
Tablets and laptops are literally glued to the hands of modern humans, but scientists often advised to postpone gadgets and write notes in the old, pen on paper.
according to researchThe Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard. Scientists at Princeton, it makes to process information in the process of fixing it. You're slower than typing, so you have to choose only the most important data. However, if you still do not want to part with the achievements of technical progress, simply use the stylus rather than a keyboard.
8. Concentrate on something one
You can be proud to write in summary about multitasking, but it's not necessarily talking about abilities. Attempts to focus on several projects at the same time reduce the cognitive abilities of the brain as a whole and call it tired.
By the loss of productivity resulting not only switching from one task to the next working. Researchers from Stanford University foundMedia multitaskers pay mental price, Stanford study shows.That even notice smartphone can disrupt concentration and adversely affect attention, memory and productivity.
9. Warm food in glass containers
Plastic containers may contain a part of bisphenol A and phthalates, which have a negative impact on mental ability. This is the conclusionBisphenol A prevents the synaptogenic response to estradiol in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of ovariectomized nonhuman primates. at Yale.
If you are unable to eat freshly prepared food, plastic containers should be replaced with glass.
10. See sports
The human brain, is usually reserved for physical activity, are activatedSports experience changes the neural processing of action language.When he listens to sports news or watching a match.
Therefore, the fans changed neuronal connections, which involve areas active during training, has a positive effect on the brain as a whole.
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