Loss Lessons: What can be learned from the mountain
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Bereavement brings great pain, but at the same time learn to appreciate life. Layfhaker tell what important lessons to teach us grief from the loss of loved ones.
"Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger" - this aphorism Nietzsche fully applies to the woes. Despite the fact that this is one of the most difficult emotional states that a person is going through, and it can bring some benefit. Here are some important lessons to teach us grief from the loss of loved ones.
1. Realize the value of life
Psychologists and people who underwent the loss, note that it becomes a powerful impetus for the realization of the value of life. Of course, this understanding does not come immediately. But facing death sooner or later can lead a person to a similar conclusion.
American psychologist Lara Gonos-Webb (Lara Honos-Webb) said that the mourners repeatedly recall ordinary moments that have lived together with the departed person and understand their significance. So they begin to appreciate my current life with its most common events.
Philosopher and coachers Joel Almeida (Joel Almeida) also notes that the encounter with death leads to the realization of their own mortality. This helps to place priorities in life and to start actWithout looking at the opinions of others.
2. Bond with the living
The loss of an important person allows you to experience how meaningful connections with other relatives, loved ones and friends.
Small quarrels and insults go by the wayside, and the love and unity come at first.
In this case, communication with loved ones and strengthened during the joint bereavement, and when they help a person to go through it.
3. Feel the power of communication with the departed
Paradoxically, but it allows you to mount appreciate the relationship with the departed. American psychotherapist Shulamit Vidavsky (Shulamit Widawsky) claims that the mountain binds us to those we have lost. If it was not, we would simply be disconnected from the sad event, and did not feel the strength of love that we feel after a loss.
4. learn how to cry
Maybe it sounds a bit cynical, but during strong emotions, you can learn about the life-giving power of tears. This is especially useful for knowledge men, Many of them since childhood said that they do not have to cry.
Tears are very definite benefits for the body.
Scientist and one of the most famous experts crying William Frey (William H. Frey) in the early 1980s held a series of studies, the results of which are published in the book, "Crying: The Mystery of Tears."
Dr. Frey came to the conclusion that emotional tears (as opposed to the usual, which are designed to moisten the eyeball) is withdrawn from the body's stress hormones and toxins. In addition, the crying may stimulate the release of endorphins. That is, from a scientific point of view, need to cry.
5. release emotions
American management expert grief and sense of loss of John Terrell (Jon Terrell) argues that the study of adverse emotions (Anger, sadness, resentment), associated with the loss, helps to live more intensely.
John TerrellOur emotions stuck contain enormous energy. The release of this energy is the fastest and most effective way to awaken, heal themselves and achieve their goals.
After all the negative feelings - as much a part of our life and psyche, as well as positive. By adopting them, we are at least a little, but closer to happiness.