I want chic hair like superstars. Is that possible?
A Life / / December 19, 2019
I want chic hair like superstars. Is that possible?
Long shiny hair - either genes or the result of their own efforts. Together with the interior specialists Imperial Hair we understand how to care for hair and what to do if they are not naturally so strong and thick as I would like.
What does "smart hair"? As of advertising shampoo?
Something like that: long, thick and silky. Such hair is not only look beautiful, but also elevate mood and self-esteem of its owner.
However, someone they are by nature, while others are less fortunate: the length, thickness and structure of the hair depends largely on genetics. But in any case improve their condition as possible. To do this, monitor the health of the hair and properly care for them.
How to treat hair?
Hair length, and largely depend on the state of how the tests you expose them. Frequent blow-drying, curling, coloring and styling means damagingHair styling without damage. hair, which is why they do not look as good as you would like.
But first you need to learn the basic rules of care: how to wash, dry and comb your hair.
- I need to wash my hairTips for healthy hair. the extent of pollution, picking shampoo on the scalp typeAnd no hair. If you wash your hair often - it is better to use a shampoo for daily use. The structure of such means are less aggressive cleaning agents (surfactants), which are not dry and irritate the skin.
- Shampoo - this alkaline environment. In order to neutralize its effect, it is necessary use balm or air conditioning, which will smooth the hair shaft and create the appearance of smoothness. Without it, the hair can electrify and fluffy look - this is due to the fact that you are not "closed" flakes.
- Dry hair should be carefully: it is not necessary to rub it with a towel - it hurtsHow do you treat split ends? rods. Due to the vigorous rubbing hair loses smoothness and ability to reflect light, so the gloss can not count. Instead, just gently pat them.
- trichologists advise not combHow to stop damaging your hair. hair while they are wet. The reason is that wet bars are very flexible. During combing the hair is stretched and lengthened, and when dry - becomes more brittle and breaks off.
If all this is done, I will have beautiful long hair?
Not really.
In the dermis - the layer of the skin - are follicles. It is they who are responsible for the growth and appearance of hair - their density, volume and thickness. Caring for the scalp, improves blood flow to the follicles you: so it goes to enough oxygen and nutrients.If you want gorgeous hair, need additional care for the skin of the head.
If the roots do not get enough food, the hair becomes weaker, thinner and grow worse. Therefore, for the care of the scalp have special features:
- deep cleansing shampoo;
- peels and scrubs, exfoliating the skin;
- lotions and serums that stimulate hair growth.
In addition, experts advise to massage the occipital region of the head to improve blood flow to the follicles. This relieves tension in the muscle and dilates the blood vessels, so the roots supplied sufficient oxygen and micronutrients.
With constant care for the scalp in the hair appears desirable shine and volume, and added to the length of 10-15 cm per year - the average speedHow hair grows. their growth in the adult.
It's all too long and complicated. Can somehow quickly?
To grow healthy, shiny hair, you need patience and regular care. Can help the process of doctor-trichologist, but much speed it will not work.
If you need to look stunning very quickly - for example, you have a wedding, a meeting, or important shooting New Year's corporate - there is an option to use hair extension. It can be used to obtain the desired length and volume for one night. This option is suitable for those who have thin hair from nature, which grow slowly.
From building my hair will not be worse?
It all depends on the wizard. He must choose the right technology, and evenly distribute the load on the hair follicles. Hair after the building do not require special care and aggressive styling, so you can use less styling tools.
Ways to increase quite a lot. Any cold technology, in which the hair does not apply any high temperature or chemical action. These include the following three types.
- Tape capacity. Sparing technology, which is suitable for short and fine hair.
- Hollywood method. thin braided pigtail, and attached to her donor strand of natural hair.
- Capsular Spanish building. On special glue applied to locks connecting the donor and natural hair. However, this method can damage the hair during the correction or removal, so it is better not to use.
One of the most modern and safest ways - Italian hot capsule and microcapsule buildup. This method in which the donor strand attached via Keratin - polymer harmless to the hair.
Wizard separates a thin strand of hair and relatives at a distance from the root of several millimmetrov applies donor. They are joined at the expense of heating the keratin using forceps, with influence is keratin capsules, not the hair itself.
Therefore, such capacity is considered safe and does not harm the hair more than the traditional rectifiers. The result is discreet capsules which are not felt on the head and do not require a correction about two months (depending on your rate of hair growth).The heating temperature depends on the density of the hair varies from 90 to 180 degrees. For comparison curling and curling, which we use every day, working at 200-230 degrees.
If the master did everything efficiently, you can do a high ponytail and other hairstyles - no one will notice. When removing keratin softens hair harmless solvent, so the rods are not damaged and do not break.
Can you show how to look after your hair extension?
Of course, where no examples. Here are photos of works made by masters of salon Imperial Hair:
And look microcapsules hot Italian building, which we described in the previous card. Experienced master makes them literally invisible:
If the master is dependent on so many, how do I choose?
The main indicator of professionalism - chic hair of satisfied clients. See examples of work, look for ratings by experienced master can accurately select donor hair structure and color, gently and quietly they build, and if necessary - to paint.
IN Instagram Imperial Hair can see pictures of "before" and "after" and read customer reviews. Masters entrust their hair salon public personalities and celebrities, for example, actress Vera Shpak, singer Julia Nachalova, broadcasters Dana Borisova, Tasha White and Tatiana Kyrylyuk, ex-member of the "House-2" Wick Romanet. In addition, the Imperial Hair experts provide training and workshops for capacity.
When it comes to the health of your hair, it's worth taking the time to find a good salon with certified professionals. An additional feature that the cabin can be trusted - a guarantee on the work of masters and materials.
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