Where does the reliance on phone and how to overcome
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Adam Alter
Psychologist, author, professor of marketing at New York University
Technology, that would help, in fact, prevent us to live fully. And most of the problems on the phone, we are not to part with him even for a minute. According to scientists, we now spend on average over the phone about three hours a day. And before there were smartphones, it took us only 18 minutes.
"Researchers conducted a survey suggesting people to choose what they would prefer: a broken phone or fracture - says Adam Alter. - It turned out that 46% of participants have opted for a fracture. The remaining 55% preferred their health, but it was clear that the choice was given to them is not easy. "
As there is a dependence on the phone
Addiction not associated with pleasure, otherwise we literally would have been addicted to chocolate. Dependence arises when we try to remove the psychological stress, cope with any challenge.
Dependence often occurs when life has some problems. For example, when we are suffering from loneliness and we can not make a difference.
"No matter what you do to relax: play a computer game, or take drugs. C point of view of the physiology of behavioral and drug addiction are very similar, "- says Alter.
We live in the era of stress and calms us our phone. Some researchers have even called smartphone pacifier for adults. He comforts us when we are irritated, sad or when we are bored. But this is an unhealthy approach, because over time, it only exacerbates the problem.
How to cope with addiction
1. Do not hold the phone close at hand
Try changing the environment: clean out what tempts you. Put your phone to reach him was not easy. It is best to leave it at the other end of the room. It is much more effective than holding the phone next to him and feel willpower strength.
When still need to have a phone with you, turn off any unnecessary notifications. And those applications where you normally sit for a long time, gather in one folder and hide away.
2. Help yourself stay
Sometimes there with you is that you take a minute up the phone, and then it turned out that went unnoticed for an hour? While we check the updates on social networks, new messages arrive. All this is repeated in a circle. Scientists call this state of the game loop. It usually occurs when we play the slot machines.
Adam AlterWe pulled into a state of artificial serenity. To stay there, we again and again repeat the same action. We can not stop until we have something to distract and not to pull out of this state.
Pre-plan a similar distraction. It should remind you that it is time to stop and get you out of dormancy. For example, suitable countdown timer. Before entering into any application or social network, set the timer. When the alarm sounds, put phone.
3. Do not try to get rid of a bad habit and replace it
When you sit down on the sofa, make sure the phone far away from you, and have a book at hand. Once you feel the desire to sit on the phone, grab a book and start reading. So you gradually replace a bad habitFrom which you want to give up good.
It's okay if you're not at home and you do not have with a book. Come up with another habit. For example, after the tape throughs in Instagram, remove from the phone app. Then the next time you want to go to him, will have to install it again.
But the favorite reading application, leave the home screen. Mindlessly picking up the phone, you are more likely to spend time with benefits.
Depending usually develop if in life there is a problem. So it is a constant need to check your phone may be the first alarm bell that tells you it's time to change something.
Adam AlterYou are much less likely to become addicted to something, if you live a full life and to maintain good relationships with loved ones.
If you want to get rid of the habit of sitting on the phone, spend more time with loved ones.
If you are reading this from your smartphone, write important for you man. Just let me know what you think about it. Make an appointment. And then remove the phone.