What pet to have if you are rarely at home
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Not suitable for busy people
The main thing for a dog - to be near his master. Unfortunately, most of us are forced to leave the pets at least eight hours a day, and even on all 12.
Some dogs suffer loneliness relatively calm, others begin to howl, bark and destroy the apartment. They do this not out of spite or revenge, but from hopelessness and fear. If the animal is thinking every time that you go away forever, his despair, there is no limit.
dog behavior can be corrected. For this pet accustomed to the fact that the owner is required to return. Training takes place gradually: first, the owner goes and just a short time, teach the dog not to follow behind him, then leaves her alone for a longer time. So the dog gradually gets used to the idea that, no matter how much the owner was absent, he will definitely be back.
This method helps to get rid of panic attacks during the absence of the owner, but does not eliminate the very cause. After all, if the dog is not howling while you are away and does not spoil the furniture, it does not mean that she was comfortable to be alone. She simply believes that you will return, and waits.
A dog suffering every day, staying alone in an empty room.
Five days a week, eight hours she spends most expensive without being, of his love and attention. To make matters worse, many owners even being present at home, do not satisfy the dog's need for communication. For example, are constantly being kicked her in the next room, because it prevents, whining or trying to play.
Almost all dogs need exercise - one large, the other smaller. If you want to run with the dog - it is wonderful. The dog will receive a share and communicate with you, and the necessary load. If not, will have to think about how you will train her. Some owners walk the dog a short time: half an hour in the morning, an hour in the evening. Rest of the time the dog spends in a closed room, where it can not properly warm up and get food for the mind.
If you are enthusiastic to have a dog and want to spend time with her a long time, just imagine that it will continue for 10-13 years. Maybe the first few months you will communicate with the pet, long walks with him, give him a good warm up and play. But then the normal schedule would delay you - the dog will be in the end of the list of cases. So whether or not to torture the animal?
Parrots - very lively and sociable pets. Left alone, without attention and a host of interesting toys, they start to get bored. Stress condition leads to hysteria, which often result in plucking.
A similar reaction happens in cases where the parrot divides the cell with the wrong partner. So, if you decide to hooked to it a neighbor, not the fact that pupils come together and will be fun to live.
Often advised to buy a parrot interesting toys to in your absence it was something to do. But if you do not play, do not communicate with the pet or make it a very short time, no toys will not save your bird from boredom.
With the rat especially not play, but your attention to it all the same necessary. However, here the problem of loneliness is solved easily: buy two same-sex rodent and large cell, equip it with toys, tunnels, houses and quietly go to work.
Rats - very social creatures, they need to live in the company.
This is confirmed by an experiment with rats and drugs, about which he spoke in his speech at the conference TED Johan Harri. When the rat lived alone, without toys, and communication, it is easy to get used to drugs and soon died from an overdose. And in the rat park where lived a few individuals, they were free to interact, play and mate. As a result, none of the rat are not addicted to drugs, although the cell has always been a container with a narcotic substance, dissolved in water.
Johan Harri told this story to show that loneliness and boredom lead to drugs and people. But the experiment also shows how the rats without bad company.
If you're determined to make a rodent, he will need a lot of your attention and the opportunity to be outside the cell. Rats are very mobile and inquisitive, they constantly need to crawl, climb on the hill, rummaging through things to find something new.
Raccoons - very mischievous and moving creatures that require constant attention. If you leave the raccoons alone, he simply crush flat, climb into any locker are scattered, broken and tear your clothes.
If a long time to lock pet in an enclosed space, such as on the balcony or in the cell, do not play and not communicate with him, he was quite wild and domestic animal inquisitive instead you get wild striped creature.
Decided to have a raccoon? Remember that most of the free time you have to spend entertaining animal and making sure that it did not break anything.
Suitable for busy people
Do cats miss their owner or simply use it to meet their needs? There are different opinions on this matter.
Study Daniel Miles (Daniel Mills), published in 2015, proved that cats are not so much attached to their owners. During the experiment, he compared the response of an infant in the care and appearance of the mother and the behavior of dogs and cats in a similar situation with their masters.
A child with obvious relief crawled to her mother after her appearance. The dog jumped over the host, wagging his tail. And the cat did not stop the game with a stranger and do not seem to even notice that her hostess somewhere left.
However, some cat owners do not agree with the experimental results. They argue that these animals are just curious and easily distracted, but just bored alone in the host, as well as dogs.
Here is a video filmed in the absence of people, when a cat walks around the room with a toy in his mouth and calls the owner.
This problem can be solved, the head of the favorite partner. For example, in Switzerland, according to the standards of keeping animals are not allowed to have a cat, if she does not go out. Two pet obviously find something to do in your absence.
Ferrets get along well with dogs (not just hunting breeds) and cats, as well as with other ferrets. This small animal sleeps 18-20 hours a day and can be neutered or longer. Therefore, most of your work day your pet will not get bored. And when you get home, you are able to give it enough time.
It seems that these animals do not need company. Moreover, it is advised to keep same-sex hamster in a cage to prevent a fight. If you buy a heterosexual individuals, be prepared for what will have to sell the offspring.
Play with a hamster is quite difficult, because it does not understand that they are playing with it. In general, it does not need in your community so that you can easily go to work. The main thing - to look after him.
And your pets are not bored alone? They have fun in your absence?