What if a man died
Educational Program A Life / / December 19, 2019
Layfhaker tells where to call, what documents to get and what to expect free services if a misfortune.
Where to begin?
The algorithm will depend on where and how the person died, and at what stage requires your active participation.
- If everything happens when you or you found the body, read the material in its entirety.
- If a man died in the hospital, the body will send to the morgue. To understand what to do next, start reading from the card "And be sure to do an autopsy?»
- If the person died in another city and you need to go there and spend all the necessary measures, also read the material in its entirety. If there is someone to deal with paperwork, but the funeral will be held in your populated area, start with a block "How to transport the body to another city».
- If a person has died abroad to register his death have not, as in Russia - go to the card "How to transport the body from another country?»
Where to call in the first place?
You need to call a doctor. If a man died when you call an ambulance. There remains a chance that you hurry with conclusions, and doctors will be able to resuscitate him. But it is better to say that a person
lost consciousness - otherwise the doctors will not rush you.If you found the body of the deceased during business hours, call your GP Polyclinic. At other times also call for an ambulance.
Emergency Phone: 03 to a fixed phone or 103 - for mobile. Contact the local doctor looking at clinic site.
And the police should be called?
In most cases, you have to do it. The police need to find out, there was a violent death or due to natural causes. They examine the body to secure the presence or absence of damage, hematomas, Scratching, biting, and will make the appropriate protocol.
If the deceased was aged for a long time sick, you can start with the ambulance and leave the need to call the police at the discretion of physicians.
Phone the police 02 to a fixed phone or 102 from your mobile.
What to do while waiting for an ambulance and the police?
Collect the documents you need for both agencies:
- Passport of the deceased.
- Your passport.
- MHI policy of the deceased (only useful for emergency).
What documents are needed to get from the ambulance and the police?
Doctors have pronounced him dead, and make two protocols - the inspection and the establishment of death. Be sure to take their certificate confirming death — This document is necessary for further action.
The police will issue a protocol on inspection of the body if the person passed away from natural causes. The document is useful in obtaining a death certificate. If you have any doubts about the police causes of death of the body will be taken for a forensic examination. Depending on its results will decide on the criminal case.
A ritual to cause an agent?
There is a possibility that the ritual agent will come to you before an ambulance, even if you will not call him. death data such firms receive from the medical feeSC started the case for the staff of emergency for the sale of dead data. The agent tries to play on your stress and get you to sign a contract. But you do not have to do that.
firm assistance provided funeral services, you can ease the task of funeral arrangements. But it is better to ask advice from friends who have recently faced the same misfortune, compare offers. Otherwise, the funeral will cost dearly.
If you are applying to the agent, it will help to further actions. But all this can be done independently.
What to do with the body?
If doctors or police did not find the reasons for the obligatory autopsy, the decision of what to do with the body, take the family.
It can be left at home if a person was sick for a long time and the reason of death obvious. How will you prepare the body for burial, the law in this case is not regulated. Some funeral directors provide services for embalming, bathing and so on at home.
It is also possible to send the body to the morgue. According to lawArticle 8 of the Federal Law "On the burial and funeral business" it can stay there for free for 7 days. Period is increased to 14 days, if the close relatives of circumstances beyond their control can not take the body for burial before.
How to send the body to the morgue?
ambulance attendants, doctors must call for the delivery of the dead to the morgue. It's free. Similarly, the situation is, if the police questioned the cause of death.
If a man died in the hospital, the body is clearly send to the morgue.
If you first refused morgue services, and then change your mind, you have to look for special vehicles for transportation of the body - the easiest way to do this through a ritual agent. But his help was going to pay.
And be sure to do an autopsy?
From the opening can be waivedFederal Law "On the basis of public health protection in the Russian Federation" dated 21.11.2011 number 323-FZ "For religious and other reasons", if close relatives write statement. But since you can not always do.
Autopsy is mandatory if:
- There is suspicion of a violent death.
- It is impossible to determine the cause of the incident.
- He died in hospital less than a day.
- Is suspected of drug overdose or an allergic reaction to them.
- Death associated with medical procedures.
- The patient was infectious disease or suspicion of it.
- The cause of death is related to the environmental disaster.
- Woman died in childbirth or soon after, as well as pregnant.
- Child died before 28 days of life or born already dead.
- I need a forensic examination.
What documents are needed to apply?
Before going into funeral arrangements, it is necessary to prepare the relevant documents. Start with a medical certificate of death. It will be given in the morgue, if the body is sent to, or in the clinic, which has been attributed to the deceased, if he stayed at home.
You will need the following documents:
- Information about the statement of death.
- body inspection protocol.
- Passport of the deceased.
- Your passport.
- Patient card of the deceased with the posthumous case history.
- MHI policy of the deceased.
Then, with a medical certificate, passport of the deceased and your passport go to the registrar or MFC, where you will be given the stamp a death certificate and death certificate form number 33.
If confirmed the violent death of a, you need to get the police and bring more and permission for burial.
How to transport the body to another city?
If a person died in a populated area, and planned to bury him in the other, body to be transported.
The law allows the burial is not at his residence. It is important that the person wantedFederal Law "On the burial and funeral business" from 12.01.1996 number 8-FZ. And the executor of his will is youFederal Law "On the burial and funeral business" from 12.01.1996 number 8-FZ.
To deliver the body to another town for a funeral will have his own expense.
Order special transport from the morgue of the city where he died a close, it is possible through a ritual agency or service for the carriage of goods. Depending on the transport time to make a decision about the embalming of the body: if you go more than a day, then you must request this service at the morgue.
In the hometown of the body can be placed in the morgue of the deposit prior to the funeral or leave the house if it is embalmed.
How to transport the body from another country?
Register death
- If a dead was insured, contact the insurance company and report the accident: you need to get a medical certificate of death. If the insurance has not been issued, please refer to the local hospital. Find contacts with the hotel or at the property owner where he stayed dead.
- Report the death to the department of the local police - you need to get the body the inspection protocol.
- Please contact the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Russian Federation with a request to be registered in the register of the fact of what happened.
- Get the stamp a death certificate of the country of the sample, where the misfortune occurred. After you need to perform certified translations of this document into Russian.
Organize the delivery of the body
- Refer to the morgue that there embalmed body and laid it in a zinc coffin.
- Refer to the Russian Consulate with a statement in a free form to assist in the repatriation of the body.
- Make the body transportation to the airport of departure and airport of arrival.
To the airport was no problem, you will need the following documents:
- Passport of the deceased.
- Death certificate.
- Medical certificate of death.
- Act on sealing of zinc coffins, which will indicate that there are no foreign investments.
- Resolution of the Consulate of the country where the goods sent 200.
All financial costs are for you. In the presence of insurance part of the costs may be covered by insurance payments if the contract so provides.
How do you decide where to bury the dead?
Man on earth can bring:
- In the open for free burials cemetery - a site free of charge.
- At the cemetery where buried close relative, if there is next to the burial place, or at the end of the sanitary period since the last funeral (set by local authorities).
Learn about available disposal sites you can in the city administration.
To get the site to open the cemetery, you need to provide his administration:
- Your passport.
- Heraldic death certificate issued by the authority of the registrar.
Choose a place for the grave can not define it in the cemetery administration.
To bury a person close to him close relative, you need to submit:
- Your passport.
- Heraldic death certificate.
- A marriage certificate or birth to confirm the relationship with the deceased buried earlier.
- burial passport, which indicates the number of area, charge, information about the buried. If such a document is not present, it can be obtained at the cemetery administration.
You can also purchase land for tribal burial in a public cemeteryArticle 21. Family (family) burial. The procedure may vary depending on the city - please contact the local administration.
And if you decided to cremate the body?
You need to find out where the cremation is carried out, and to apply to this organization. You will need:
- Your passport.
- Heraldic death certificate issued by the authority of the registrar.
For the urn afterwards you can rent a place in a columbarium - to do this, add the package of documents a certificate of cremation. Urn can also be in place podzahoronit tribal burial or bury in the traditional way - there is also need a certificate of cremation.
What if the deceased wanted to bequeath body to science or to give to the authorities?
To provide the body for use in medical, scientific and educational purposes, the deceased during his lifetime to write the appropriate applicationFederal Law "On the basis of public health protection in the Russian Federation" dated 21.11.2011 number 323-FZ and to assure him of a notary.
If any wishes on this matter was not left, the decision of the family members. In practice, there is a presumption of consent, that is, any adult, in his lifetime did not sign a disclaimer after the death of a potential donor. In this case, his relatives have the right to applyFederal Law "On the basis of public health protection in the Russian Federation" dated 21.11.2011 number 323-FZ disagreement removal of organs, if they consider it unethical or simply do not want.
How to organize a funeral?
Generic script is not: it depends on the religious beliefs of the deceased and his family, traditions and so on. In these matters, better consult with spiritual guides and local old-timers. So you choose, for example, in what clothes to dress the deceased. Most often, the funeral consists of three stages:
- Farewell - civil funeral or religious sacrament.
- Burial.
- Wake.
You need to order a coffin (it is necessary for cremation), digging the grave (if necessary), transport to transport the coffin with the body, the accompanying paraphernalia. Lease on the space, which will host the farewell (if needed) notify the date and time of people who would like to pursue a man on his last journey.
To prepare the dead for burial, he should bathe and wear. If the body is in the morgue, the clothes need to bring on the day before the funeral. employees freeHealth Committee of Order Moscow from 21.04.1997 number 219 "On Amendments to the Order of the Chief Medical Office of 15.04.94 number 182" On improvement of the organizational principles of activity of Morbid Anatomy Service Moscow "" must bathe, clothe the dead and put in a coffin, but for embalming and complex cosmetic procedures will have to pay.
To pick up the body, you will need:
- Your passport.
- Heraldic death certificate from the registrar.
- Receipt of payment of funeral services (must be grave, book a place in the cemetery and booked a special transport).
State to somehow help?
Social benefit for burial
By law, every Russian is necessary allowanceFederal Law "On the burial and funeral business" from 12.01.1996 number 8-FZ for burial. His base size is nowRF Government Decree of 24/01/2019 number 32 "On approval of payment indexation coefficient, benefits and compensation in 2019." - 5 946.47 rubles, but in some regions, this amount is more due to local surcharges.
Get social benefit can not later than six months after the person's death.
If the deceased was unemployedContact the Department of Social Protection and bring the following documents:
- an application for the payment of social security benefits in a free form;
- Your passport;
- death certificate form number 33;
- documents confirming that at the time of the death of a person has been unemployed.
If the deceased worked, provide the accounting department of his company:
- an application for the payment of social security benefits;
- Your passport;
- death certificate form number 33;
- work book.
If the pensioner died, go to the pension fund and bring:
- an application for the payment of social security benefits;
- Your passport;
- death certificate form number 33;
- documents proving that the deceased was a pensioner.
Increased social benefit and a place at a private cemetery
The increased size of the social benefits established for the following categories of the dead:
- affected by disaster The Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
- servicemen and veterans of military service;
- Police officers and fire service;
- WWII veterans.
Beneficiaries may be buried in any cemetery, including a closed or in the military section of this cemetery. In addition, free install the memorial gravestone.
Regional legislation can be established other categories of citizens, and additional services. For example, veterans, disabled and home front workers, who live in Moscow, will receive additional benefits.
Oksana Krasovskaja, a leading lawyer of the European Law Service
To get a larger amount, you need to include in the package of paper documents confirming this right, and to apply to the management of social protection (for Chernobyl), the recruitment office (for the military), or other agency, which oversees a specific category beneficiaries.
social funeral
Social funeral - a guaranteed list of burial services, which is paid by the state. According to lawFZ "On the burial and funeral business" it includes:
- Paperwork.
- Provision and delivery of the coffin and other items needed for the burial.
- Transportation of the body or the remains of the deceased to the cemetery or crematorium.
- Burial or cremation followed by the issuance urn.
Under the preferential category are:
- people, not officially, employed;
- retirees;
- stillborn children gestation or after 154 days.
Oksana KrasovskajaOrder and terms established by the federal level, no, yes and social funeral shall be held at all, everything is solved at the regional level.
To organize such an option, it is necessary to obtain an order to conduct a free burial in the department social protection of the population and provide it along with other documents (passport applicant's stamp certificate of of death and a certificate confirming the right to free burial) in the city dedicated service for the funeral business.
You can choose just one thing: social benefit for burial or funeral of social organization.
Social funeral - a minimum set of services without any guarantee of quality. As a rule, they are chosen by people who are in a critical financial situation.
see also🧐
- What parents need to know to properly talk to your child about death
- How to survive the death of a loved one
- "What I learned from the death of her husband"