9 mistakes in the makeup, because of which you look older
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Makeup - the magic wand of the modern world. He can either give the image of a delicate veil of youth, innocence and enthusiasm, and add harsh 5-10 years. If the external maturity is not something that you aspire to, picking up the lipstick, mascara and foundation, note: the following methods - a taboo.
1. dark lipstick
Dark tone - cherry, brown or burgundy - makes lips more contrasting, and at the same time strict, visually reducing their size. And it definitely is read by others as a sign of age: with age, the lips do lose volume.
If for any reason the saturated dark lipstick shade you really need, use two life hacking. First, apply a little further means the natural contour of the lips to their size seemed larger. Second, do the lips slightly lighter center to give them volume.
2. Excessively dark or light tone
Ideal to dress up will not work if the color tonal framework differs from the natural color of your skin, it will be seen, no matter how you tried. The most dangerous in terms of giving extra years tonalnik dark. Note: in young girls radiant, seemingly light skin (even if the girl - mulatta). Dark, if pigmented face - a sign of women in old age. However, the tone is too light, too, is not always successful, because often looks unnatural.
In order not to miss, go to choice of tonal framework Seriously. Before making a purchasing decision, apply a little tester not only on the wrist, but the face in the area of the chin. And be sure to evaluate the results in the natural (rather than the store!) Lighting.
3. Groomed eyebrows rare
Of course - it's wonderful! If not a little nuance. With age, eyebrows become more rare (especially if you have a long history of plucking) and lose color. If you are still young, and his eyebrows still rare and colorless, you should not rely on their naturalness - it ages. Use a pencil or eyebrow powder, choosing a shade lighter shade around your original.
Another two common mistakes: too thin, "in thread", or too thick and the conclusions drawn by dark eyebrows. These options appear or old-fashioned, or aggressive and sloppy, but in any case absolutely unnatural that adds to rejuvenate himself.
4. Blush under cheekbones
With age, a person "floats": under the action of gravity and diminished collagen skin falls down. Obscuring area of the cheeks, you visually emphasizes the process. Result: A person looks "floated" and tired.
To avoid staryaschego effect, choose a bright blush (pink, peach, nyudovyh) tones and apply only to the upper part of the cheekbones, away from the nose.
5. Black eyeliner on the lower eyelid
We will not argue: this technique gives the image of a highlight. But mostly due to the fact that the black eyeliner on the lower eyelid visually make eyes more narrow. A sign of the youth - wide open.
If you have really big eyes and an outdoor "children's" eyes, black eyeliner permissible. In other cases, the lower eyelid is better not to focus. Especially if you have already emerged facial wrinkles: eyeliner will draw to him looks. The same goes for too dyed, especially for ink volume eyelashes on the lower eyelid.
6. Dark or flickering shadows on the upper eyelid
Smokey Eyes look mysterious and languid, but it is important to take into account: this makeup technique, especially if it is selected for dark shadows, creates an image of a hateful weary ladies life. A tired or - a vivid sign of age. Men, by the way, "chernushny" Smokey ice too I do not like.
With regard to the flickering shadows, the sequins tend to settle in the tiny folds, emphasizing the wrinkles on the eyelids. It is you just do not have to.
7. Improper use highlighter
Backlight person's hot: all dream of a fresh, if glowing inside skin. Benefit highlighter - means adding a wet shine, shine and well-groomed person, sell a dime a dozen. But when using such cosmetics must be remembered: highlighter applied only to smooth skin. Otherwise, the "gentle glow" just emphasize pores, wrinkles and other imperfections. And the image, instead of the "young and fresh", it will treat scruffy and withering.
8. Too tight tone or thicker layer of powder
Of course, you do not admit this, but just in case, we recall that this is one of the most common errors in makeup. Apart from the fact that such a "mask" looks unnatural tone and powder still hammered into the smallest irregularities of the skin and facial wrinkles, which you may not even know. The thicker layer tone or powder, the more clearly the microtopography. More wrinkles - older look. It is logical?
9. Refusal of corrector or the wrong choice of his tone
Dark circles under the eyes and in his youth have many, but with age, when the skin becomes thinner, become even more pronounced. Hide this shortcoming creams will not work, but the corrector to cope with a bang. Unless, of course, to choose the right tone. Common green concealer that camouflages redness successfully, it does not suit: they add color to the skin "earthiness". To disguise purple circles need concealer peach or pale yellow tone.
Just do not overdo it! If you apply the concealer is too tight, you can get the effect of stains on the face. And uneven pigmentation - one of the main signs of age.