The frozen vegetables differ from fresh
Food / / December 19, 2019
I'm sure you have heard or read about that in the course of thermal processing vegetables, Fruits and berries lose some of their nutrients (this applies to both high and low temperatures). But what if you want to drink or eat stewed fruit pies with cherry, lovingly collected in the garden of your country, for example, for the New Year? How to do better - to buy fresh vegetables or berries are not in season, use frozen or?
Some prefer to freeze not only berries, but also those vegetables and herbs that can be found in stores all year round, so they believe that in seasonal vegetables, less any muck - it is better to freeze and has its own garden with, you go for fresh, but supermarket. And they are right! It is better to buy broccoli and cauliflower and season and freeze it, than to buy fresh at the supermarket.
The fact is that the fruits and vegetables that are imported from other distant countries, are broken before the moment when they reach the peak of its usefulness. And then lose another 50% of their nutrients during the shipping time to the store and then store them on the supermarket shelves, and then in your refrigerators.
Fruits and vegetables are collected in a season, usually break down just when they are fully ripe (especially those that grow in your garden beds) and immediately frozen. Therefore, they retain more nutrients. Moreover, in some fruits and berries in the process of freezing the contents of certain nutrients even increases: it concerns a broccoli (vitamin C and beta-carotene), blueberries (polyphenols and anthocyanin) And Brussels sprouts.