In my opinion, to keep yourself in great shape and be healthy, do not need to restrain themselves or to make sacrifices. It is important to make a conscious decision to eat what you like, including the diet of delicious foods that help your body function better and do not gain extra weight. Choosing a healthy, nutritious food will be for you an absolutely natural, once you learn when and how to introduce them into your diet. BUT healthy lifestyle It begins when healthy food is a habit.
For example, I love chocolate cakes and eclairs stuffed with creme brulee, and I never deprive myself of this. But it is possible to replace some products healthier. In this case, you will not lose anything, and vice versa, will get even more beneficial nutrients, vitamins and minerals. We offer you 10 alternative, more healthy, foods that help you lose weight quickly and keep yourself in great shape.
White rice → Quinoa
quinoa - is a unique cereal - contains more protein than any other grain. On average, 16.2% (compared to 7.5% in rice). This South American herb also contains all nine essential amino acids the body. Additionally, quinoa is rich in phosphorus (three times more than rice, and not inferior to many kinds of fish), iron (twice that of wheat), calcium, zinc, and fiber.
Rice is rich carbohydrates. Calories per serving of rice is slightly less than in the same portion of the movie. But immediately after eating carbohydrates turn into sugar, and later - because the energy is not spent in full - fat. Quinoa is processed very effectively by providing fuel from a pure protein entire body. Therefore, in a dispute with rice and many other grains it still wins.
White bread Lavash →
Theoretically any sort of bread can not be called "good." Ideally, this should be polbyanoy bread or bread made from sprouted grains, which undergo minimal processing, while maintaining the highest amount of vitamins and nutrients. But this bread is very hard to find on the shelves of conventional stores, and it will cost dearly.
Therefore, for your sandwiches instead of sliced white bread, choose the best pita bread. There is less calories than white bread, low fats, But there are iron and calcium. Unlike pita white bread does not have little or no nutritional value.
→ Mashed potatoes Mashed Cauliflower
Compared with potatoes Cauliflower is a much better option for each day for a number of obvious reasons. The cauliflower contains vitamins and minerals such as: C, K, B1, B6, potassium, sodium, fiber, folic acid... The list goes on and on. The apogee of the usefulness of cauliflower puree for your health is very low calorie compared to potato pyureshkoy.
Rye cakes → Cakes of corn flour
One average corn tortilla contains only 40 kcal fat and 5 g, while rye flour tortillas - 110 kcal and fats 2.5 g The difference is obvious! Not to mention the fact that rye cakes contain too copious amounts of sodium as opposed to cakes made with cornmeal.
Sour → Greek yogurt
Low-fat Greek yogurt has a delicate, mild flavor. His consistency is roughly similar to the sour cream, even a little bit thicker. Greek yogurt acts as an excellent substitute for sour cream, while having a low calorific value. One cup of fat-free Greek yogurt contains about 130 calories and 0 grams of fat, while one cup of sour cream contains more than 450 calories, and fat in '45 And this is a significant difference!
Fruit juice → water
Most know that the fruit juice (even if they are fresh and made in compliance with all technologies) is not really that useful. Often fruit juices are packed with sugar and the sweet syrup that trigger our body to produce and deposit excess fat. Choose water instead of juice with fresh fruit. This will help you not to stock "is packed with calories" on a daily basis.
→ Mayonnaise Mashed avocado
I enjoy all sorts of snacks with sauces? Then consider: two tablespoons mayonnaise contains 115 calories, saturated fat, and about 200 mg of sodium, while 1/4 of the whole avocado - only 80 kcal. And its fantastic health benefits: the avocado is leading in the list of products against aging, because it contains a useful vegetable fat, vitamin E, glutathione and - a powerful antioxidant that supports saturation of the body kislorodomi potassium, which supports the skin and blood vessels in good condition. Not surprisingly, some say guacamole - pyurirovannuyu Avocado - superedoy.
→ Sweet fries baked potatoes
French fries is bad for obvious reasons: it contains a lot of saturated fat and carbohydrates, which the body no good do not bring. Another thing - sweet potato - sweet potato. The next time you want to eat French fries, sweet potato bake in the oven. You will save a huge amount of calories and get a hefty dose of vitamins and nutrients that are so beneficial to the organism: A, C, protein, and fiber.
Tomato ketchup → Fresh crushed tomatoes
It would seem that what is wrong with tomato ketchup - it's just the tomatoes? But no. Tomato ketchup often contain large amounts of sugar, and sometimes other obscure ingredients that you just do not need when you're trying to maintain healthy diet. Choose fresh, diced or crushed tomatoes. At least, so you'll know exactly what to put in his mouth. And it will not contain countless unneeded sugars that only stimulate your body to produce and store fat.
→ Pasta Whole grain pasta
Much of a difference in content of calories in pasta, whole-grain pasta that - no. However, conventional pasta is almost carry no nutritional value, while the whole grains can contain up to 7 g dietary fiber and 8 g of protein. This means eating noodles, spaghetti or horns of wholemeal flour, your body gets more nutrients essential for its healthy functioning and burning extra fats.
Such products are, of course, can not be found in stores. However, with all of them as a strong desire can be found in the same "Auchan" and METRO. Another thing is that laziness. But those who think seriously about their health and future, not laziness.
It never hurts to remember the existence of substitute products in order to use them, if not regularly, at least periodically. For starters, you can try to make something simpler, such as Guacamole or anything of whole grain pasta. Over time, this will become a habit. The main thing - pay close attention to what you eat, and have fun!