During his life, you have died many times. How did this happen?
A Life / / December 19, 2019
As you died
Of course, I do not mean death in the literal sense of the word. I want to say that you have died many times in order to become what I am now.
I bet your mom at family celebrations like to talk about the various special cases that happened to you as a child. Or you, thumbing through the yearbook, I remember all the stupid things done in his school years, and then, glancing suspiciously at the pictures, ask yourself: "Who the hell is that?".
And you're right. Who the hell is that? It's not you. At least it's not the kind of person that you are at the moment. This man was you, but now it is not. He was only a shadow of you present.
This boy, who is actively getting rid of garlic in every dish, is now adding it to the food too much. This boy, who was struck by the beauty of the girl so that even told her about the wedding, and now considers it no more than just a friend. This boy, who hated to write, today, preparing articles for a top of the blog.
This boy died.
You made certain selection
You prefer one to the other, some people - the other, and - ta-ladies! Here it is you, the person who is reading this article.Something about the regrets
There's a whole chain of decisions that had to take the boy in the photo, and among them, no doubt, was not very faithful. You screwed up hundreds of times to have forgotten about his childhood dream of becoming a doctor and much more. There are many things you wanted to do but did not.
Yes, weep all the missed opportunities and nonsense that you have done, then celebrate. Who knows, maybe someday you'll be thankful for everything own mistakesBecause thanks to them, you become what is now.
Each of us has a "box" in which we keep our opinions and plans for the future. When you meet new people, reading a book, watching a movie or just meditate, you can change your mind on a number of issues. Perhaps these new views will be even more reasonable.
Congratulations, you have killed yourself. Gradually and unconsciously, little by little, you are dead.
When you were 10 years old, have you looked at the world differently now, because over the years you had to go through a lot. Perhaps you are glad that steel-fledged adult man who is perfectly aware of their individuality and many understand in this life. Or maybe everything just the opposite: you feel sad because you are no longer a carefree child. But now it does not matter: all the time claimed.
However, be aware of the inevitability of change is difficult and even scary. You are scared. Are you afraid of that man, who can become, and are afraid that you may lose your "self."
But let's let's dot the i. If in the past you often eat cherries, and now on her spirit can not stand, it does not mean that now you "became less of himself."
Your past should not determine what kind of person you should be. You must not cling to the past is only possible because of the fear of no longer be yourself. Instead, think about this: you have a chance to become in the future.
Comprehends all their actions, think about people who are facing life takes you. Do they help you to become better, to become a person, to make a small step towards his true "I" - the person who you want to become? Continue to learn and explore, never think that you know and know how at the moment, is enough.
George Bernard ShawLife - this is not the search itself. Life - is the creation itself.
Merry murder!