5 examples of what the theater - it's not boring
A Life / / December 19, 2019
1. In the theater, you can not only watch but also to "spy"
Immersive theater - a great alternative to the classical formulation. Spectators come to a certain hour, and then the action begins. But the usual stalls and dress circle, intermission, and there is no other.
Performances usually take place simultaneously in several rooms residences or other buildings. Yes, the time to look elsewhere is unlikely to succeed. But that's not the point. Users are able to not watch with soft armchairs, and pry, analyze, draw conclusions and decide where to go.
Often within the theatrical space spectators move in disguise. The main rule: do not touch the actors, if it is prohibited, and talk to them only within the framework of the action.
Now these performances occur more often, so that you can pick up an idea for every taste.
Returning (Journey Lab, Moscow / Saint-Petersburg)
It is based on the plot of the play by Henrik Ibsen's "Ghosts", which is extracted out of the closet all the "skeletons" respectable family. Everything happens in a family house Dashkova. At the time, it re-creates the atmosphere of the Victorian era.
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Sweeney Todd, the maniac-Barber of Fleet Street (Taganka Theater, Moscow)
The effect of this musical about a psychopath is set right in the room. Spectators are inside what is happening, especially those whose place in a makeshift cafe. Actors - appearing here and there - and sometimes involve the audience in the action.
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Anna Karenina (Foundation for the Support of Contemporary Art "Living City", Kazan)
Complete immersion in classic story It takes place in the interiors of the merchant's house. The familiar heroes of the novel live their lives in front of the audience, love and suffer... Watch them can not because of the stalls or dress circle, and standing there, literally at arm's length.
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2. In the theater, you can make decisions
Some productions leave the right of choice. And it's not only about how to visit them or not. So, sometimes I play a few variants of the ending, and that the audience decide what's going to happen before the curtain closes.
This is a great way to not only become a part of another reality, but also to influence its development.
In addition, the theater gives viewers the opportunity to choose what to focus on. It is not necessary to move from one scene to another. Enough to have special devices.
Skid (theater "Practice", Moscow)
In this play by Vladimir Sorokin, the action takes place on several levels. Spectators watch what is happening in a country house through the glass wall and monitors that show different rooms. The sound is transmitted to the headphones, with all switch freely between channels. Also, the audience can listen to the arguments by Vladimir Sorokin about theater and life, or literary works Dmitry Prigov.
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Scissors (Ulyanovsk Drama Theater named after I. BUT. Goncharov, Ulyanovsk)
In this ironic detective actively involved audience. Of course, the murder of an elderly pianist they do not prevent, but can help in solving the crime. In this play there are several endings. And every time the actors just playing the one that corresponds to the viewers of the investigation.
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3. In the theater, you can simply walk
Another modern discovery - a performance-promenade. The scenery there is no such. Instead of them - the city streets and squares, public transport, shopping centers and more.
In some productions the actors involved, but a clear scenario without deviations usually do not have a mosaic of reality, each time going again. In other living companions replace the voices of headphones that guide and surprise. And if necessary, the accompanying guides are always prompt and orient.
Another feature: such events are usually held in the warm season. And in order to feel comfortable, it is better to wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Remote Moscow (Rimini Protokoll, Moscow)
Here merge into one show, tour and even a computer quest. Actors not. Only ordinary people who live their lives. They do not even know that at this very moment for them closely watched.
Throughout the performance the audience walk and follow the instructions of the mechanical voice. Stop, get accustomed, make spontaneous actions, and just look at what is happening with new eyes.
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Implicit action ( "Theatre.doc", Moscow)
This performance - the whole universe is constantly changing, and each actor and the audience plays in it a special role. It begins at the agreed point, and then turns into a challenging walk with a deep meaning.
The "implicit effects" are the real actors. They cite philosophers, poets and writers, improvise and talk on eternal themes.
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Keepers (Omsk Drama Theater "Galorka" Omsk)
Spectators walk along the embankment of the Irtysh, the city streets and squares. Through headphones they are accompanied by the protagonist - a young guy who is going to leave Omsk, but at some point, everything changes. The cast also sound reasoning of ordinary people and famous historical figures.
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The project "Listening to the City" (Kaliningrad / Perm)
Walking through the familiar places where the spectators are in dialogue with the city, and the scene - it's all around. Thus, in the play "The first acquaintance," you can look at Kaliningrad memory, learn what secrets kept its walls and think about him and his future. And on the boardwalk "Ghost town" - become better acquainted with the Perm.
Learn more about the performance in Perm →
Learn more about the performance in Kaliningrad →
Escape to the Zoo (Park flora and fauna "Swarms creek", Krasnoyarsk)
This performance-promenade passes to the zoo "Swarms creek" And even in those parts, which are closed to the public. All the way viewers accompany the lyrical heroine Elena Krutovskaya (played by Vera Voronkov). She founded the petting zoo "Shelter Dr. Dr. Dolittle," eventually became the park flora and fauna. The main leitmotif of the play - a dream towards which there is room for smiles and sadness.
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4. In the theater you can dream
Another unusual format - action which no imagination simply can not do. For example, the statement in the dark.
In these performances all built on the sounds, voices of actors, smells and, most importantly, on the emotions and sensations of the audience.
Yes, the plot is certainly present. But to each their own imagination paints pictures and images through which perceived the situation.
Demon (The "Concerts in the Dark", Moscow)
This is a story about how "sad demon, spirit of exile" fell in love with the young Princess Tamara. Feel her heart is possible only with your eyes closed, because the action takes place in total darkness.
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4 (Draft Xenia Peschik, Krasnoyarsk)
Unusual staging of the play by Maurice Maeterlinck "blind". This performance can not be seen, but you can feel, feel, hear. During the entire action the audience did not take off their blindfolds, but it does not prevent them to move forward and fully immersed in what is happening.
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5. In the theater, you can play yourself
Sometimes, viewers not only watch the actors and influence their actions, but also to become full participants in the event. They play their own role and together build the story. How deep dive into events, each defines itself.
Moscow 2048 (2048.events, Moscow)
This spectacle, and a computer game, and the post-apocalyptic movie. Every viewer has a role, and it depends only on what happens in the end. And the actors who "live" in this universe, will help to resist, and sometimes just to watch.
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Nostalgia ( "Theater of the live-action", Moscow)
In the center of the plot - a person's life. It consists of nice and bad memories, joys and disappointments, attachments and resentments. Each spectator becomes one of the most significant people in the life of the hero. Their words and actions affect everything that happens and create a story of a life.
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The detainee (Pop-up Theater, St. Petersburg)
performance creators describe him as "both a bar-Hopping down the street Rubinstein and investigative experiment on creativity and biographies writer Sergei Dovlatov». Viewers go on a journey with a guide, a policeman. On their way, five bars, seven episodes from the life of the accused and five liters of vodka. Snack included.
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Questioning / Who are you? ( "Gogol-center", Moscow / Pop-up Theater, St. Petersburg)
In this chamber play, the game is no stage and the actors. Everything here is built around the audience, which first need to answer the questionnaire. And the reason will have a stranger who is sitting across from you and analyzes.
This performance - a kind of experiment in the first place on yourself. He will look inside yourself and figure out how each of us perceive the surrounding.
Learn more about the performance in Moscow →
Learn more about the performance in St. Petersburg →
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