How not to let fear ruin your life responsibility
Motivation A Life / / December 19, 2019
For this fear even has its own name - hypengyophobia. Imagine that you have confessed to love or offered a promotion. It would seem that this joyful event. But if the first thought that comes to mind - to run away if the new responsibilities, the move to separate apartment or simply trusting relationships with others inspire you dread may diagnose "hypengyophobia" just for you.
Why are we afraid of responsibility
Fear of responsibility associated with a deeply rooted sense of insecurity in their own ability. The problem is not only the fear of specific commitments. Often people simply do not consider themselves capable of taking on these commitments, to achieve positive results and does not fail.
Responsibility fear grows out of low self-esteem, lack of confidence in their abilities, doubt their capabilities. That, in turn, may occur due to lack of experience in decision-making.
Olga Bezborodov, a practicing psychologist, systemic therapist, expert "advice Center and system solutions"
Hypengyophobia is also related to the inability or unwillingness to act in a
uncertainty. Our life is unpredictable, but many are still trying to keep full control over what happens to them. Imagine a situation when a man falls, all this uncertainty, and he suddenly realizes that the only way - to adapt to changing circumstances.How to get rid of the fear of liability
1. Find the root of your fear
Most people evaluate their fears rather superficially. They see only the most obvious of reasons (for example, the same low self-esteem). Instead, look deeper and find out what is the basis of each fearFrom which you suffer. Understand how your fear was formed and what factors are triggers for him.
As is the case with most other fears, fear of liability can be formed as a result of serious trauma. Perhaps, once you have decided on a responsible step and it entailed grave consequences. Or, when you were a child, parents restrict your freedom of decision-making and did everything for you, explaining that you are not able to cope on their own.
Here that on this occasion said Olga Bezborodova: "The reason may be the shortcomings of the educational system, the impact of parental prohibitions, which can lead to the formation already in the adult mind, he is not worthy to make decisions, it is not able to adopt a responsible attitude, that he was not handle. "
Will the one understanding the root cause of your fear to deal with it? Unlikely. But it is an important and indispensable first step on the path to freedom from it.
2. Think about times when you have to take responsibility and it ended well
For example, at work you agreed to accept additional responsibilities, even though they were not confident in their abilities. As a result, you yourself were surprised at how well they coped with.
Ask yourself these questions.
- What made you take responsibility (despite the fact that you were scared)?
- What circumstances have influenced you?
- How did you feel when you successfully do something for which you come from?
Recalls the times when you have achieved success to figure out how to make contact with the decisive part of yourself. Begin deliberately use this part when the need arises. Over time, you will be easier to take responsibility.
3. Every day, take any important decision
The only way to get out of your comfort zone - to make regular small "attacks" from it. Start small. Your first step should be simple enough so that you did not include fear, but complex enough to have tempted to avoid making decisions. What this will - decide for yourself.
Rate actions involving taking responsibility, on their own scale of fear and begin to edinichki.
Gradually precede a more complex task. For example, decide on an unpleasant conversation in which you have to express their views or to apologize for his errors. It will take a little time and you will not be so scary to deal with difficult situations. You will be confident in their ability to choose the right course of action.
4. Do not take on too much
Paul McCartneyDo not attempt to charge the whole world on his shoulders.
This may sound illogical, but sometimes the fear of liability associated with giperotvetstvennostyu. Sometimes we are so inflate the slightest obligation that may lie on our shoulders that they really seem to be very heavy. And while we all forget that the joy we bring this commitment.
Yes, if you decide to get a cat, you have to feed him, vychosyvat hair, clean up after them and sometimes walk scratched. But you do not necessarily completely rebuild their lives, to take care of pets. Very soon you will be accustomed, and care will take you very little time. But you will gain a wonderful furry friend with whom to be fun.
Of course, we should not rush into extremes. Be aware that the responsibility is, but not to inflate it to a universal scale. And remember about the pros: most of them anymore.
5. Avoid the problem may be something else
Sometimes the responsibility frightens us because of the fact that it is associated with a particular person. Analyzing their behavior, ask yourself if you are afraid to take up a certain business or repels you someone involved in the case.
Very often, when a person is afraid to get married, have children, or to move to its second half, the problem is not necessarily the responsibility lies in the bay. Maybe it's your partner. Every time will arise any questions related to this person, you will take back. In this case, the problem should be sought in relations.
We all sometimes feel the fear of liability. This is normal. The main thing is that it does not stop you from moving forward. Fortunately or unfortunately, all good things in our lives is connected with taking responsibility. Where there is a nice bun, there are obligations (not necessarily bad).
Find out the underlying cause of your fear, remember how you managed to cope with it, and start a war with small battles. Focus is on the positive, and will be easier to make the right decision.
And if you and so happy with everything, you can not work on their fear. But in that case you would not be reading this article, right?