What you need to do to get rid of anxiety
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Brianna Vist
American writer and journalist.
1. The opposite of addiction is not internal balance and contact with reality. The same applies to the anxiety. Anxiety is manifested in the fact that a person ceases to be present in the moment, he is cut off from what is happening, from others and from himself. At such times, you need to reconnect with reality.
2. Allow yourself to want what you really want. Without it, you can not to get rid of anxiety. No matter what you want: to find a life partner, find a new job, make more money, get peer recognition. Just be aware and accept it, even if you think the others will take you to the surface, defective, or find that you are not "love yourself".
3. If you find it difficult to understand what you really want to look closely at its strongest the hidden fears. What lies on the wrong side of them? This is what you want.
4. Treat with gratitude to what is causing your discomfort. The sad and amazing fact is that happy people usually have no incentive to develop, they are all happy. If you experience any discomfort, it should serve as a signal for you that you are standing on the threshold of something new and better, but you need to act in order to achieve this.
5. Constructive and productive should become your best friends. This is not about to put a check mark by completing tasks from the list length of one hundred points. At the end of each day, you should know that today you were able to do something (anything!) Useful for themselves.
6. From "unreasonable" anxiety usually can be removed by doing a particular practical activity. Worry about nothing usually indicates the existence of the real problems, the solution of which you avoid.
7. You have to start from where you are now, use what you have, and do what you can do. Everything else - an escape from the problems of real life and himself. Change - a consequence of a long and persistent development. If you think otherwise, then you live with illusions that do not allow you to cope with the fact that you are concerned.
8. Try consciously to make contact with anyone or re-establish contact with people who are already present in your life. This may be just one person, whom you trust and with whom interact. This interaction will be the starting point for the formation of healthy emotional attachment. Need love - not to show weakness.
9. Buy a notebook specifically for when you feel inside of you curl up in a pretzel, record to everything that comes to your mind, even if it seems to you a terrible, disgusting, shameful, or hateful to currently. Do not keep the thoughts and feelings to yourself! When you do this a few times, you will notice that you do becomes easier.
10. The only thing you need to do when you are overcome by anxiety or panic - try calm down. At such times, you lose clarity of thought, so that in this condition it is not necessary to take any important decisions and take on any obligations. Find out what can help you calm down (a small snack, bathing, chatting or any activity, from which you really enjoy), and as long as you have not begun to implement any cases, pull yourself out negative.
11. You need to understand how to live in the moment, even if such a way of life and thinking you are frightened, causing boredom seems unattainable. The emergence of feelings of anxiety gives us the message that we too are stuck in thoughts about the past or the future, and this impact on the decisions that we make in the present.
12. You have to take some action to get rid of what bothers you realize their true desires.
Cheryl Strayed, American writer and publicistThese changes occur at the level of behavior. The person starts to do something quite different, is not it, as he did before.
13. Read. If you do not read anything, the reason is probably not that you do not like reading itself, but the fact that you can not find a book that would inspire you. What you are reading at the moment, it will affect how you through the decades. Find online articles and essays in which people tell how they cope with their fears. When he learned that a lot of people unfamiliar to you are experiencing the same feelings, you will not feel lonely in their problems. Read about what you find it difficult to understand, that leads you in horror or delight. Just read the damn!
14. You can take your feelings under control. It is important to remember this. It is not difficult. Just tell yourself: "I do not want to experience such emotions, which are now experiencing, so I will focus on other aspects of the problem."
15. If you believe in what you can not just pick up and be happy, can not affect the way you feel and what you think, you have sentenced themselves to a very hard life. In this case, you do not need to read this article, because it is only a belief in reverse may help you deal with problems.
16. You do not get rid of anxiety and fear forever. If you do not give a damn about what happens in your life, and you at least a little interesting that going on around you, then you will always be confronted with something that causes fear or feeling alarm. Your ultimate goal is not to just eliminate these feelings forever. So you need to train your mind to feel happy, despite the stress factors, and not fall into a stupor when they appear. That's all.
17. To gain such control over some people thinking only need to change the focus of perception of what is happening. Others face years of treatment with different drugs and therapies, and such active work on themselves, which they have never committed. It's a battle of our lives, and the first duty that we have to pay themselves. If you want someone to war, let it be you yourself.
18. Any problem is not a problem as such. The problem remains a problem, as long as you perceive it that way. Your inner alarm system must now give alarm, because it does not correspond to your usual way of thinking and behavior. This does not mean that you are rushing to meet the inevitable endless suffering. It is said that somewhere deep inside you know that you can live differently, better. This means that you know what you need, even if it scares you.
19. Select love. It may sound like an annoying useless advice, but you do not have to part with the people who make your eyes shine, do not throw what you like to do (even if it is not associated with your work), to give up secret desires. Select love, even if it scares you a choice. In fact, your fear to make something commensurate with your desire to do so.
20. Learn express their feelingsIncluding pain. This does not mean that you should use it as an excuse for irresponsible behavior. You must learn to recognize that you feel pain, it's understandable words to express and accept the fact that sometimes you have to experience similar emotions.
21. Learn how to get rid of the inner emotional slagging. For example, if you do not allow yourself to accept the fact that your ex has caused you a lot of pain, and to feel the pain, you will be constantly project his negative experience to a new partner, fear that he too will make you hurt, believe that you should not even try to start a new relationship. Thus, you will play exactly the situation that most afraid of. This can be avoided only by understanding and accepting their feelings. Sometimes life is cruel, unjust, and sometimes it just inspires horror. But…
Oscar WildeAll we are lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
22. Separate the sensations in your body of what they were, in your opinion, they say. When you are upset, ask yourself what is actually your body feels at the moment. Most likely, it will be only a slight tension or discomfort. Everything else you just cooked the rest for yourself.
23. No need to trust all my emotions. According to conventional wisdom, it is for the emotions and to follow, but it is very unwise, given the something which a variety of reasons can cause them (accidentally came to mind thoughts, memories, and so Further). If you blindly trust all your feelings, they will constantly display you off balance. Decide for yourself which of your feelings actually mean something, and what - no.
24. Use the most powerful self-development technique: imagine yourself in the future. if you difficult to solveWhether you need to have children or not, just imagine yourself 75 years. You would like to see you surrounded by family members, or you would be quite comfortable to live alone? Imagine what your life would be in three years. Will you be happy with that we did not try to save a relationship that did not make any savings or spent a lot of time watching television, while able to write a book, start their own business or start writing music?
Imagine your life through the eyes of the person to whom you aspire to become. This will help you decide on a solution to many questions that bother you.