6 ways to become more intelligent
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Intelligence - one of those categories, which are often perceived by modern man is wrong. Intellectual distinguished not only the development of the mind, but also a special attitude to the world, life and people.
Who is an intellectual
Intelligence - is not only high intelligence and excellent education, it is also good manners, the ability to live in harmony with themselves and others, in accordance with his conscience, an active civil position, the concept of honor and dignity, the desire for truth.
BUT. P. Chekhov, a letter to his brother Nicholas, 1886To educate and not to stand below the level of the medium, which was not enough to read only Pickwick and memorize a monologue from Faust. <...> There needs continuous day and night work, eternal reading shtudirovka, will... Here the roads every hour ...
And until someone quietly chuckles over the intellectuals because of their accentuated correctness and intellectual, talk about the Russian intelligentsia as a cultural worldwide phenomenon, a phenomenon that was born in the Russian Empire and marked the beginning of the allocation of a special, albeit very few, strata of society in the rest of world.
D. FROM. Likhachev, "The Book of Disquiet"A nation that does not value intelligence is doomed to destruction. The history of the Russian intelligentsia is the history of Russian thought.
Considered to be the true Russian intellectuals A. P. Chekhov and D. FROM. Likhachev. In a letter to his brother Nicholas Chekhov young led a sort of code of an intelligent person, which in many ways and these tips are based.
How to become more intelligent
1. respect others
And respect it should go beyond compliance with the chain of command and the elementary rules of behavior. It is also respect for the feelings and desires of others, empathy, to some extent, even sympathy. Yes, hard to force myself to sympathize with others, if you are not used to. But it is the work of a distinguished intellectual people.
BUT. P. Chekhov, a letter to his brother Nicholas, 1886They respect human personality, and therefore always indulgent, soft, polite, compliant ...
2. Do not lie
Remember that first and foremost you are lying to yourself. To lie intelligent people rank and meaningless affectation, flattery, hype. Any deception is unacceptable for them.
BUT. P. Chekhov, a letter to his brother Nicholas, 1886They are afraid of lies and candid as a fire. They do not lie even in trifles. Lies offensive to the listener and debases the speaker in his eyes. They are not drawn, keep themselves in the street as well as at home, do not let dust into the eyes of smaller brothers ...
3. Be humble
Intelligent people have a somewhat different perception of values. They are not vain.
BUT. P. Chekhov, a letter to his brother Nicholas, 1886They do not take up such false brilliants as acquaintance with celebrities, handshake drunk Plevako, delight in the oncoming Salon'e, known for a tavern ...
Most often they are silent, prefer not to impose their views to others, especially when they do not ask. They do not confide in vain and do not seek attention surrounding the contempt itself.
This with the intellectuals should definitely take an example. Modesty and moderation will help you in many areas of life, one has only to try on and take this philosophy.
4. Aim for aesthetics
Intellectual - aesthetic. He admires the harmony of thought, talent, sophistication images, grace and humanity. It is the intellectuals - the main guardians of what we used to call the "eternal values". Try to be like them. It is not necessary to have a degree to understand the literature and admired her. You do not need to paint, to get aesthetic pleasure from works of artists.
BUT. P. Chekhov, a letter to his brother Nicholas, 1886They are brought up in aesthetics. They can not sleep in the clothes seen on the wall of the slot with bedbugs, cheesy breathe air, walk on the spit upon the floor, eat of kerosene. They may try to tame and ennoble the sexual instinct.
5. Take care of your talent
Believe that you are talented. And take care of your gift. Intelligent people put talent above all else, and this is what allows them to be representatives of the "intellectual elite", to create and build.
BUT. P. Chekhov, a letter to his brother Nicholas, 1886If they have the talent, they respect him. They sacrificed for him peace, women, wine, vanity... They are proud of their talent.
6. Strive to inner freedom
Someone even puts a sense of freedom at the forefront on the issue of intellectuals and intelligence. Indeed, an intelligent man is free from the mass of things which others are experiencing addiction.
D. FROM. Likhachev, "On the Russian intelligentsia. Letter to the Editor ", 1993The basic principle of intelligence - intellectual freedom, freedom as a moral category. Not free intelligent man only by his conscience and by his thoughts.
Just freedom from others' opinions, authorities, idols and standards capable to move you closer to this intelligence.
Intelligence - the hard way, which does not fit all. Not every day is ready to "drop by drop to squeeze out a slave." But certainly what became this way to get something infinitely more than just a set of positive qualities.