Why give a tip
Tipping - it is thanks to the customer service staff, expressed financially.
In many countries in the tea leaves, not only in cafes and restaurants, but also in taxis, hotels, beauty salons. In Russia, most drivers and give the provider change, permanent masters manicure hairdressers and give presents on holidays, maids, tankers leave small bills, such as $ 100. Basically, the question arises about the tip when it comes to cafes and restaurants: whether it is necessary to tip and how much?
Thank the waiter material - not just sign of good taste. Often the tip is a significant part of his earnings.
Employees of institutions are officially receive very small salaries, and tips they need to pay for housing, to buy products. However, in this regard it is important not to fall into the trap of moral: you do not have to just give the money to the person for what he is doing his job. But if he does it well, why not thank. For you, a trifle, he was pleased.
Sometimes, the money received from clients over bills added up and divided between the waiters and other service personnel, which does not interact with the visitors.
It happens that the service charge is included in the bill. She indicated a separate line, and it is easy to find in check. In this case, leave the extra money is not needed. Moreover, if the service you do not like it, you can ask for a deduction from the check unnecessary. waiter reward - a right, not the client's responsibility, and it is illegal to imposeIs it legal to include "tip" on account of the order?.
How much to tip
There are no laws that regulate how much you need to leave a tip. Size is determined thanks tradition. For example, in Russia it is accepted to leave in cafes and restaurants, about 10% of the bill. But this does not mean that the waiter will be upset if you give him more.
10% - very easy to calculate the amount is too much for any calculators or a sheet of paper and pens. Just take a number from the check with no characters after the decimal point and remove from it the last digit. For example, you ate at 4500 rubles. Get out a zero and get 450 rubles a tip. Then you went into fashion coffeehouse and left there 1734 rubles. Tipping at the same amount to 173 rubles, but the amount is usually rounded - often in a big way.
However, no one will forbid count exactly 173 rubles or leave any other amount.
How to give a tip
Ways to tip just two.
1. in cash
Regardless of how you pay - card or cash, tipping is appropriate to put in a folder with a score after you paid it. Leave bills and leave with a clear conscience.
You can also, if you pay in cash, put it in the amount taking into account the tip and the waiter warned that no change is necessary.
In some institutions, without waiters tip jars at the checkout stand. If you like a cafe, do not forget at least sometimes to thank employees.
2. credit card
Particularly rely on this method is not: its cafes and restaurants offer very rare. But sometimes you can ask to have removed from you not only pay for the meal, but also a certain amount of tea. Her you call a number or a percentage.
This possibility can be read directly from the menu or ask the waiter.
How to tip overseas
In the US, the waiters can work at all without a salary, but only for the tip, so customary to leave 15% of the bill, and this is the minimum value.
Thanks be glad not only in cafes and restaurants. For example, a bartender at a nightclub may simply stop taking orders if you will be paying them precisely on the price list. Tipping is customary to leave in a taxi, at petrol stations and in general wherever it may be appropriate.
tipping tradition is not very common. If the staff and thank, the very modest - the amount of about 5% of the bill.
The restaurants provided Italy coperto - per seat commission and servizio - service fee. Information should be prescribed in each menu page. As a result, your account will be more than a few Euros, and you can not leave a tip.
When you pay with a waiter, you yourself say how much deposit you back. Also, you can just leave a tip on the table. Standard 10% will suffice.
Conventional tip here is 10-15% of the check, but according to local regulations, they must be included in the bill.
Tipping is not accepted, they are perceived as insult. If the waiter picks up the money, it was only because he had lost the hope to explain to you that it is inappropriate.
Tip of you are waiting for everything, and it can be absolutely any sum.
Standard is considered to be 15%.
The waiter himself can offer you round up the expense, for example, from 37 to 40 euros.
Tipping is not part of the culture, and they often can you return. But as a whole is now the Vietnamese are in this kind of gratitude more favorably.
And you leave a tip? If yes, how many?
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