Thing of the day: the exoskeleton, which facilitates weight backpack and allowing to rest anywhere
Devices / / December 19, 2019
More recently exoskeletons found only in science fiction, but it is already such a device can afford each. And portable system LEX vivid proof.
A compact exoskeleton has nothing to do with the cumbersome and frightening army type. This folding system is designed to perform two functions: to provide the user a comfortable seating area and a decrease in weight of a backpack due to its more efficient distribution.
LEX secured with adjustable straps to the lower back and hips. In the unused state, the device just hangs back and does not restrict movement. If you need to sit down, pull enough for the handle and turn LEX reliance on two legs, reminiscent of the stool. By the degree of convenience, it is virtually identical to the office chair. In addition, you can use it anywhere and anytime.
A compact exoskeleton would also be useful also to those who wear backpacks. Due to the collapsible lining and LEX belt provides extra support, redistributing up to 50% of the weight from the back and the shoulders to the waist and legs.
To order LEX will be on Kickstarter in the near future. The exact price of the exoskeleton and the delivery time is not yet known.