Croise.a - non-contact thermometer in a capsule
Devices Medgadgets / / December 19, 2019
Termokapsula Croise.a - a small gadget that makes a great deal. It measures the temperature of the body and objects in an instant, while tactfully kept at a distance.
Croise.a - a mobile infrared sensor which allows to measure the distance of the body temperature and the surrounding objects.
Manufactured in South Korea, the gadget looks like a big pill or capsule. Dimensions small: up to 52.9 mm in length, 20 mm in diameter. Weighs only 13.7 g The cap of the capsule can choose green or red - a matter of taste.
Croise.a attached to the smartphone via the headphone jack. To manage the measurements and record readings, you need to download the app and follow the simple instructions. Appendix Russified, but without much effort: that alone is worth the category "General" in the subjects of temperature measurement mode.
Sensor with a smartphone is brought to the human body or object you touch the button in the app and get the temperature data.
Mode measurement of body temperature
This is the basic mode for which invented the thermometer. Attach the capsule to a smartphone, you launch the app, follow the instructions. After a few seconds get a result. It is not necessary to press the device firmly to the body, wait a few minutes and be afraid to break.
Thermometer accurate. I would say, too.
The temperature of my eternally cold feet identified 35 with a small degree. Indications like a mercury thermometer (36,2 ° C), also issued. But at the same place and the mercury thermometer - in the armpit. At the level of the forehead, for example, I, too, was chilly.
For comparison, I re-measure the temperature of everyone who came to hand. The trend was confirmed: there is a discrepancy of several tenths of a degree, depending on the measurement location and individual characteristics.
Yet there is a difference between 36,9 ° C and 37,2 ° C, so that the suspected fever will have to raise your hand up and take measurements where used to.
Measurement Mode ambient temperature
The second mode, when operating in which it is necessary to indicate the test material.
In terms of the accuracy of the device have to believe, given that measures the temperature of the "here and now" and the results of measurements at different points differ.
Croise.a allows skid removed thermometer in a mobile device memory and to construct a graph of temperature changes. A useful feature when you want to track the dynamics of change - to make the sheet temperature, for example.
Termokapsuly advantages are obvious: accurately measures, runs fast, easy to use.
Minus - you need to take into account the uncertainty that arises from the change point, the temperature of which fixes the sensor.
Layfhaker thanks Store for providing the test device.