4 rules, which will prolong the life of a new gadget
Devices / / December 19, 2019
1. Do not forget to update
Install all the updates that are available, even if you do not like the features they added. Software updates for desktop and mobile platforms, as well as for applications that usually fix a lot of errors, improve stability and security.
Today we need to try to make a smartphone, computer, or even TV not updated itself. But there are devices for the updates that you must manually check the manufacturer's website, such as routers. Installation instructions can be found usually in the same place where you are downloading files.
The only case in which it is better not to install the update - if your smartphone is more than three years. Since the device is likely to begin to slow down. But if you know that the update fixes some serious problem, it is better to still download.
2. Properly charge the device
If your device's built-in battery, it will likely begin to wear one of the first. There are several things that can prolong battery life any smartphone, tablet or laptop.
Do not hold the device in high or low temperature. If you notice that the smart phone is hot, let it cool, otherwise the battery performance might be degraded.
Most manufacturers and experts advised not to charge the device for a long time and do not leave it connected to the mains for a long time, such as overnight. Also, do not bring the matter to a complete discharge.
If you know that as soon as the gadget, no one will use it, charge it to 50% and turn off before you put on the shelf.
3. save memory
lack of memory on a computer or smartphone can cause a number of problems. Therefore, decide as soon as'll save space.
Can greatly help to cloud services - OneDrive on Windows, iCloud on macOS and iOS, «Google Drive», Dropbox. Each of them allows you to store files in the cloud, just by downloading them to your device if needed. However, the most important documents should copy somewhere else, such as an external hard drive.
Also, in every major operating system, built-in space-saving feature. On Windows, go to "Settings", then "System", click on the left select "Store" and turn on "Memory Control". On macOS select "On this the Mac" from the Apple menu, click "Storage" and then - "Manage."
On Android, find the section "Storage and USB-drives" in the system settings or simply "drives." There you can clear cache applications and delete unnecessary files. On iOS through the settings to select your Apple ID, get iCloud item and press the "Storage Management".
4. Protect your gadget from dirt and shocks
If you've never cleaned your device, then now is the time to teach yourself. This will help prolong the life of the gadget, especially large ones, such as a laptop, which is full of entrances and other openings.
Keep a piece of cloth at home, lint-free, alcohol or purified water - do not use tap water. With just this clean the surface of the device. Also buy can of compressed air. It is suitable for cleaning the interior elements. Laptop will be more pleasant to use, besides it will work a little longer.
More pick up device for a bag or pouch to protect it from falling and moisture.
See also:
- That should be automated soon after purchasing the smartphone →
- That set a new iPhone or iPad →
- That set a new Android-Gadget →