Overview Xiaomi MITU Smart Building Blocks Robot - programmable designer for children of any age
Devices / / December 19, 2019
Xiaomi Company manufactures products of different purposes, with trying to do it so well that it instantly became the leader in this field. One example - the designers MITU Builder series that have little in what concede to the best the LEGO sets, but are much cheaper.
In our editorial office about a year ago visited the first sample This series, from which the parts can be assembled fairly sophisticated models of combat robots and dinosaurs. hero of this review a little bit easier, so it is perfect for children of primary school age. However, the programmable features of this constructor can captivate and older children.
designer Xiaomi MITU Smart Building Blocks Robot comes in a cardboard box on the front of which shows examples of models that can be gathered from it.
Within a few packets is 305 pieces of different colors. In a separate section to the left - three large rectangular block. The largest of them contains a compartment for two AA batteries, which are needed to power the self-propelled models.
Red cube - a kind of brain structures with control electronic components and module Bluetooth. The third element has inside the electric motor which drives the model to move.
The manufacturer claims that the manufacture of parts used only high-quality anti-allergenic materials that have been reviewed several laboratories. We did not have any reason to doubt - absolutely no plastic smell, does not scratch and does not break even at high exposure. Nowhere is there any burr, all the holes are ideally suited to each other and connected effortlessly.
In addition to details the designer, we hoped to find in the box Illustrated assembly guide. However, nothing similar was not there, except for a thin leaflets with Chinese characters and a few pictures. How now collect smart penguins and self-propelled carts?
I found a response in the form of a QR-code on one page of instructions. In it encrypted link to a special application for Android, iOS, which contains all necessary information. The program is, of course, in the Chinese language, but no problems with its use have not arisen due to the large number of videos and visual images.
The main window of the program comprises a reference to three sections, between which switching occurs via rotation stylized globe. We are primarily interested in the section with instructions for assembly, which is designated in the form of a tree.
When you open this section, we will see 12 cards, revealing examples to build models. Better to start with some simple toys to get acquainted with the basic components and ways of their connection. Among them were various pieces of furniture, machines, grinders, windmills. Only then should move on to more complex programmable models, the construction of which may take more than one hour.
To cope with the assembly of virtually any model quite easily. It is enough to carefully follow the instructions, which shows each step in detail in the form of an animated three-dimensional illustration. Pictures can be rotated and increase, so that even the smallest detail will escape from your sight.
Management self-propelled models made from your smartphone. To do this, after the end of the assembly to turn the power using the toggle switch located on a large white block. After that you should go to a special section of the app where you can associate a model with a smartphone via Bluetooth. If all goes well, then the screen will display a simple remote control device.
In addition to manual operation, Xiaomi MITU Designer offers the ability to program the model of action in a special editor. Here you can select the available actions, collect them from the sequence, and then run it. Understand the editor a bit more complicated, because of the Chinese language is necessary to proceed by trial and error.
This constructor can be interesting for children of all ages. The smallest guided step by step instructions can easily collect it from simple toys that, when tired, easy to turn into something more. The degree of delight kids at a time when assembled machine with their own hands or the penguin come to life and begin to move, it is simply impossible to describe.
Older children will be able to delve into the creation of their own models. Mechanical knights, astronauts, all-terrain vehicles, spaceships - with due patience and imagination all that can be gathered from the designer details. So we definitely recommend Xiaomi MITU Smart Building Blocks Robot to buying all parents who want their children to develop perseverance, care and imagination.
At the time of this writing, the cost Xiaomi MITU Smart Building Blocks Robot is 2668 rubles c coupon CA% TH4thx2.
The author expresses his gratitude to the store GearBest for providing the test device.