10 things that we have ceased to be used after the emergence of iPhone
Devices / / December 19, 2019
1. Maps & Directions
Earlier, people used huge paper maps, guidebooks and atlases roads and even asked the passers-by how to get to the library. Now none of this is necessary. The iPhone already installed the application "Maps", and in the App Store, you can download the navigation software and guides for any point of the globe.
2. payphones
Previously, it was possible to get acquainted with the girl on the street, asking her where the payphone. Also, these mysterious device lets you call from home and do not even work. Payphones hung in special booths or buildings, took the coins, and later - cards. Call the police, ambulance or fire could be free, however, craftsmen can call to any number in vain: it was enough to knock on the machine at the right time. Payphones can be found now, but why should they, when an iPhone?
3. Digital cameras
Once we did the photo on a digital camera, but the iPhone has become so good pictures, we completely forgotten about these devices. Of course, the professionals still use SLR and system cameras, but the vast majority is sufficient application "Camera". And even Instagram, VSCO, B612, Cymera, Hipstamatic.
4. tape recorders
To have a party in the courtyard before the tape was needed. For example, "Electronics-302" or National RQ-185S with auto reverse, like a movie. Both worked not only on the network, but also on the batteries. Today, enough iPhone, even better, of course, add to it portable speakers. Together with the tape become unnecessary cassette, CD-, MP3-players and even iPod.
5. TV Forecast
Previously, it was very important to include in the evening and watch the TV weather forecast for tomorrow. In the morning also encouraged to turn on the television and make sure that nothing has changed. Today, current weather forecast is always before his eyes on the screen of the iPhone.
6. Ball pen
In the past, to be sure to be in possession of a ballpoint pen to write on a napkin or scrap of newspaper phone, address, hours, or even clever ideas suddenly come to mind verses. Today, enough applications "Notes".
7. newspapers
Previously, an indispensable companion to the man at the breakfast table, in transport and at bedtime had a newspaper. Also she used private investigators and special agents to discreetly follow the person in public places. Today, on the iPhone there is an application "News", with the tape is constantly being updated, so that reading the news for many has become a addiction.
8. phone books
Once the average person knew to remember a dozen phone numbers. More a hundred was recorded in the phone book. Now we only remember their own phone number and the loved ones. Everything else is stored in the application "Contacts".
9. Messaging
If someone is urgently needed to communicate with you, the person calling the operator, left a message, and he sent him to a pager - a small one-way communication device that is worn on the belt. iPhone also gives us a lot of ways to instant text communication - from traditional SMS to instant messengers.
10. answering machines
In order not to miss an important call, people use answering machines. When you are not at home or you were busy, this device records voice messages on tape. Today autoresponder migrated to the iPhone.
What else has disappeared with the advent of the iPhone and other smartphones? Tell us in the comments!