The blue color and the letter S - the most popular elements of the icons in the App Store
Makradar Devices / / December 19, 2019
Our reader Eksey Panteleev develops mobile applications and in the course of regular compares icons competitors applications. Reviewing thousands of icons, the developer came to some interesting conclusions.
His observations readers to share in one of the thematic groups in Facebook, and then at the request of "MakRadara" wrote a small note with examples.
In my view, the icon must be a logo: do not necessarily stand out, but to give a clear idea about the application. It seems to me that our thinking leads us on the same route: all start-ups, where I worked, came up with the app icon on the same pattern:
- First painted multicolored figure similar to the Chrome browser logo.
Then, after realizing the similarity with the Chrome, the figure was converted to the letter.
Icons of the two types are very easy to confuse the on-screen "ayGadzheta". The only exceptions are the unique contours of letters, such as from Facebook. Inexplicably many icons with the letter S. Nevertheless, from minimalism should not refuse, but you need to choose the shape and color, your users will know which of you.
Among all the icons in the App Store a lot of blue, a little less - red, green and yellow. Rare purple, black or turquoise icons.
Do not overload the icon labels. Use one or two colors. Minimalistic icons stand out as the best on the smartphone screen, and the App Store. Note what the stereotypes are prevalent in your category of application, such as an abundance of green in the Health & Fitness and the lack of it in other categories. Choose the shape and color, which you know your users.