One of the reasons why many buy Apple Watch, are their fitness function. Thanks to them, you can bring themselves form and maintain it. With this watch excellent job they can keep track of your settings during exercise, your pulse and read different types of activity. Below you'll learn how to use these things.
Start training
To start training, click on the crown, and then touch the icon with running man and selects the most appropriate exercise from the list.
Next, using the disc, set workout goals such as time, distance, calories and more. Once goals are set, click Start and begin.
If necessary, training can be paused by pressing the dial and select Pause. Likewise, only by End, marks the end of a class. In this case, the screen will display your results and detailed statistics. Scroll through it to the end, click Save to save the training results in the Activity application.
During any sport it is very important to keep the heart rate within acceptable limits. Doing this with the Apple Watch is very easy and convenient.
Push the crown to return to the dial and then swipe from the bottom edge of the display up Glances switch to the screen. Swipe left or right until you find the icon of a heart. Leave Apple Watch in this mode, and the clock begins to automatically track and display the current pulse.
activity Tracking
How to Apple Watch, and the iPhone has attachment Activity. The clock is pre-installed, and on the iPhone when you create a pair. While wearing a watch all your activity, be it walking, standing or doing the exercises, monitored and stored in the Activity application.
Apple Watch
For viewing on Apple Watch the activity you need to press on the head and choose the Activity application icon. Or simply select from a variety of dials, on which there is a mini-widget Activity, and open the app by touching the icon.
The red bar shows the number of steps, the green - the duration or amount of exercise, and blue - the time that you spend on your feet, that is not sitting or lying down. All three bars are filled during the day with the achievement of the goals.
Swipe left and right to switch between the detailed information about each type of activity, which, in turn, can be opened to more detailed hourly statistics.
On the big screen of the iPhone in the Activity data is displayed on the right day for the whole month, but the main screen shows the current day progress. You can select any month and week after week, to view information for each day, looking round the number of ongoing and unmet goals.
For a small icon in each day of the calendar grid hiding statistics on all types of activity, where, as in the Apple Watch, you can find more detailed information about the calories burned and the hourly schedule.
Due to the convenience and beautiful interface, Apple Watch and Companion app for iPhone lets you put a simple daily goals and achieve them. On Activity at your fingertips will always be data on successes, failures and progress towards goals.