6 tips on how to extend the battery life of your smartphone
Devices / / December 19, 2019
Most smartphones are now equipped with a lithium-ion and lithium-polymer battery, which is the main problem - the degradation and aging. And no matter how you use the gadget, its battery over time is still losing capacity. can not stop this process, but slow - it is quite possible.
1. Follow incomplete charge cycles
Battery life depends on the number of charge cycles. By cycle is meant the charge of the battery to 100% of its full charge and to 0%. On average, the batteries are designed for modern smartphones 400-500 cycles such, then the loss of capacity becomes tangible.
However, if you do not put the battery down to zero, then the number will be much higher cycles. Determining importance here is the so-called depth of discharge. It is measured in percentage and is equal to the level of charge that is spent. That is, if the smart battery shows 30%, the depth of discharge is 70%.
That reduction in the depth of discharge can increase the number of cycles. Similarly, with charging to a full 100%, which is also gradually takes battery life. Therefore optimal for lithium batteries is considered to maintain the charge at a level of 40-80%.
2. Do not place the smartphone to charge overnight
It is not recommended to leave the smartphone charging overnight. And it is not only undesirable 100% charge. It is perfectly possible to set the allowable maximum of 80% through special appsBut it will still have a negative impact on the state of the battery.
If you lose even particles charge a connected smartphone as soon as it tries to make up for. This process will be repeated throughout the night, without giving rest battery.
If, however, the circumstances still forced you to connect to an outlet for the night, in any case, do not leave the gadget under the pillow. The lack of air flow can lead to excessive heat, which not only accelerate the degradation of the battery, but also can lead to a fire hazard.
3. Avoid overheating
As already mentioned, excessive heating of the battery is no good promises. At high temperatures, the loss of battery capacity significantly accelerated. This is especially true in the summer heat, when the smartphone can overheat when exposed to sunlight.
Is also detrimental effects of heat during charging. Battery is the most that neither is a stressful situation, because under the influence of external factors, the maximum allowed for its use temperature may be exceeded. Consequences - unpredictable until the fire.
4. Do not use a smartphone at low temperatures
Similarly, the use is not recommended smartphone and at subzero temperatures. This leads to a decrease in the stock to give energy and, accordingly, premature exhaustion of the resource battery. Not for nothing that modern gadgets manufacturers warn against their use in a minus on the street.
5. Use the original charger
Using memory on other gadgets, too, can significantly harm the battery, especially if it is about some cheap charging adapter. In such accessories often contains components of extremely low quality, which can not provide the necessary current will not or can protect against power surges.
With the development of technology to accelerate the charging problem of the use of non-original memory is becoming more urgent. In different smartphones use different charging modes that may require not only the original adapter, but the original cable.
6. Observe the rules for storage of batteries
Batteries based on lithium grow old and lose their capacity even when not in use, so it makes no sense to buy replacement items for future supply. Apply it and to gadgets that are just lying around. That their batteries are degraded as little as possible, the special storage conditions must be observed.
In particular, the unused gadgets and separate the batteries should be charged by half or even less. Optimum - at the level of 40-50%. So for a year of inactivity capacity decrease of a few percent. But if the battery has been left at 100% capacity loss can increase three to four times, especially at high temperatures.
Checklist user smartphone
- If possible, place the gadget to charge at 40% and remove from charging at 80%.
- Try not to leave the phone on charge overnight, get into the habit of connecting to the network in the morning.
- Do not use the smart phone in the cold and avoid heating the outer casing.
- Use chargers that comes bundled with smartphones, especially in the case of the flagships.
- Periodically charge the unused Gadgets to the level of 40-50%.
see also🧐
- How to check the laptop battery, smartphone or tablet
- How to choose an external battery for smartphone
- Why exploding smartphone batteries and how to avoid it