WE - Cattle, zhruschey aspic... Why I'll never be raw foodists
Food / / December 19, 2019
The question of "true right" of human nutrition - is so controversial topic that many people are seeing or hearing such discussions, They prefer to follow the principle voiced one of the characters of South Park, that is, do not touch this issue even a 9-meter stick.
Our regular readers may remember Yuri Balabanov, whose tips and stories without exaggeration, be called one of the best on Layfhakere. Unfortunately, the wrath of fanatical raw foodists can overtake a person anywhere. I could not avoid and the Jura, but as a response to vypadki in his address, he wrote a very interesting and entertaining post, which we are pleased to publish here today.
Nibbling carrots, apples; eat meat and cheese; drink milk and beer. And be with the happy and healthy - physically and spiritually!
Honestly, this place was today should be a completely different article - about how to overcome their tightness to happily and cheerfully comply with spicy and very ambiguous exercise called "sports walking". But plans changed unexpectedly, and the reason was the appearance in my blog, comment on a raw food diet.
We can not say that I was crushed by the number of attacks and expose. I have not even touched the phrase "all the arguments that you wrote here, or you invented or taken from incompetent in the matter of people». It is clear that Comrade prepared: deliberately planted "nozzle" - naive and cute a question of cloven-hoofed animals, already having zagashnike a monologue about the raw food diet, filled with links to pages with advertising and fee-based seminars moralizing.
And I - for a long time this has not happened - "pecked" on this tip!
... At the nozzle, - the question of cloven-hoofed animals, I pecked fun laying out all of his school knowledge about horses, which at that time I thought less likely. The question of cloven-hoofed animals was for me an occasion to remind that person can not be compared with the horses, nor even with the gorillas (the sin of raw foodists). Because man, unlike animals, has a very different mental organization. An effort of will and a unique gift to visualize, we can achieve great changes in his body, to which the animals are not capable. And our physical condition is more dependent not on the food taken orally, as in animals, but from the mental attitude.
At this could be safely forgotten story with comments, if not a phrase that sounded there.
Someday you will get new knowledge that will make you change your point of view, but what it will be difficult to explain to people what you denied before, and now have become a follower.
That is, simply put, when I'm raw foodists, I will be ashamed of what I call now!. This phrase has touched me to the quick. That is why today I decided to tell you why I'll never be raw foodists.
Why I'll never be raw foodists
I have already quoted in this blog saying the great French scientist Brij-Savarin, who wrote in his book The Physiology of Taste: "The fate of the nation depends on how it is food." One of the conclusions that does Savarin, in his book, as follows: our peace of mind depends entirely on how our ancestors ate - grandparents, grandparents and forefathers.
That is, we do not just Peter, Mary and Nick. Each of us - a part of an endless chain, which includes our ancestors and our descendants. We - the body, which lies in the genes of complex information about everything, and our diet in particular. And we do not have the right on their own "rewrite" the information; but it will not work!
But the information is not in us dead weight. She tells us certain impulses to action. And when we eat potatoes, chicken and pickles "by Stiffy", we do not just pay tribute to habit or range in the near grocery store. We "read" the gene pool of the previous generation, and preparing the gene pool for our children. we strengthen the thread which binds us with our past and the future.
That is why, in my opinion, extremely dangerous for truncation experiments of the binding thread. Fine, that yogi in India lived to one hundred and twenty years, eating only cereal sprouts. But my ancestors lived in India, and my family was not ascetics, hanging upside down, inhaling the thick smoke fire. My great-grandmother was born near Uglich, in a small village where the cows were milked, prepared from milk curd, Vegetables grown in the garden, cooked jam from apples, baked bread and conjured over the most notorious aspic ...
And in our house on holidays for a small but generous table going to the whole family, and my mother held me, two-year, on hands, and I watched as my family laughed, joked, trying different dishes, drinking wine, praised for her grandmother cooking the ability to ...
More terrible is against this background look to me people give up their roots. They are not only scary, but also dangerous, because the attempt to realize themselves as a separate unit outside the general chain of development of a whole generation, ends not just a mental trauma and disorders of the entire body, but also affects the psyche of others (later on show example). That is why I, as a supporter of the Harmonious Development of Man, never be raw foodists.
mental trauma
You know, as it is called raw foodists people consuming the meat of? "Swarm". If we take into account that the meat in Russia (and other countries) consumes 90% of the population, imagine how it feels to rawfoodist in the crowd among the smells of frying pork. And what is it in the restaurant, where the neighboring tables "eat boiled the corpses ..."
Yes no mind will not stand for life to exist among the monsters, enemies and infidels! Any roof will go!
In addition to that you can shatter the psyche of their children. One rawfoodist says:
Previously, my daughter loved candy. Now she tells everyone that there snot candy.
Can you imagine this girl on a New Year's celebration, proudly, not a child standing on the side of the fun when Father Frost gives presents to children!!! And all because the "candy in colorful wrappers - it is poison, it is a disease, it is symbol of inner fear».
And here is a quote from the commentary of "my" raw foodists:
On the streets I found more and more twisted and sick people with creaking knees, they can not go through - not to run - and several kilometers. And the surprising thing is that they all believe eating meat and, of course, jelly.
Remove the artistic momentum and get:
Urey in your blog is full of crooked cattle, zhruschey jelly and creaking joints.
It's about us. Can say is a person with a stable psyche... Do not misunderstand, this is not an attempt to offend someone - a warning about a dangerous trend!
I am not campaigning for raw foodists normal, human life. It's useless. I appeal to all who want to live free and easy. We polneem and not get sick from the food, which "throws" in your stomach, but on with what thoughts we do it. Picking at a plate in the search for hidden poisons there, rushing for help to one product and rejecting others, we break our body's natural balance; We lose the inner core, destroying their gene pool.
We demand too much from the food, believing that the food will solve all our problems.
And if we remember that the yogi that just ate cereal sprouts, then, believe me, they did not give him strength, and focus on your inner perfection.
There is a children's poem about how a group of enterprising fellow was pushing locomotive famous place, trying to set it in motion. It supplied the sad result that "only a year later they learned that the engine has been without wheels." So, before you try to move a locomotive seat, make sure it has wheels. And before you lean on the seedlings of cereals, make sure that on the mental level you have reached the height and depth of thinking that same yogi.
A result of such. Live freely, communicate with friends, travel the world, well, at the same time and try everything that for centuries mankind has opened up in the culinary field. Life in order and given to enjoy it.
And most importantly - do not mutilate their children!
And now I am fulfilling the promise to tell you why the philosophy of the raw food diet adversely affects the psyche of not only raw foodists themselves but also the people around them.
It happened last year, in winter, to "Layfhakere". Cute intelligent uncle-rawfoodist very cute shape laid out his experience raw food diet. Someone said to him. Cute rawfoodist said - not so nice, and even very hard. He again objected. And then rushed to the forum of his colleagues-raw foodists. "Exchange of views" has turned into a real farce port - with obscenities and threats. All who do not follow the mono-raw-diet, have called Carrion, and the glory of the author headings Baransky generally offered to ban - for some unknown reason. Just from the overflowing of anger. The most terrible thing was that during the altercation brutalized not only raw foodistsBut also normal people.
Not to be unfounded, give a reference to that article. Will the desire to read. And there will be - do not read. Take care of your mind.
(via yuri Balabanov)