ISweet: sugar, only better
Food / / December 19, 2019
We write a lot about the dangers of refined sugar, and today, in accordance with the principle of "criticizing - Offer to "tell about the natural sugar substitutes, which contains no calories and does not affect the exchange substances.
Sweet Tooth, rejoice! Now you can with impunity to drink sweet tea and eating it for real with light desserts. Takes the recipe replace the description of the composition of the sugar to sweetener iSweet, profit: the taste is, calories, and there is no harm. As iSweet turns sweet and safe, and why he is not like other sugar substitutes, we shall understand together.
The main thing
Sweeteners are rarely included in the usual human diet, but about the harmful effects of refined sugar on the body only today do not know those who can not read. Sweeteners used to get the sweet taste of the product, without raising blood sugar levels. Therefore, people who have no problems with the production of insulin, are afraid to use the "chemistry" on the table, not knowing that modern sweeteners are of natural origin.
Natural sweeteners exist in large quantities, but their properties are not identical properties sugar. In some substances the sweetness less than or more of the other remains a bitter taste, and some can not be heated, so as not to spoil.
manufacturers iSweet We solved the problem simply and elegantly: combined sweetener composition in two components that complement each other's properties, without causing side effects.
- erythritol - a natural sweetener, refers to sugar alcohols (polyols). Is found in many fruits (grape, plum, melon), for industrial use is extracted from maize.
- fruit extract arhat. Luo Han Guo (so-called fruit in China) exotic to us, and in southern China and northern Thailand, its many hundreds of years used in the treatment of diabetes and obesity. This fruit, which is a close relative of the cucumber and pumpkin, even protected by an international convention and in his homeland with Luo Han Guo linked to many beautiful legends about longevity.
About taste
Erythritol, which is 99,5% iSweet, not as sweet as sucrose. But the extract Arhat sweeter it about 300 (!) Times. Gustatory qualities of the extract is determined mogrosides - complex compounds, irritating sensitive to sweets tongue receptors. The selected proportion of erythritol and Luo Han Guo extract provide the exact same level of taste as usual sugar.
This means that you can not think how many spoons or how many grams of sugar substitute should be added to beverages and pastries. Any calculations: Treat iSweet like sugar. It can be boiled and heat, and thus its properties do not change. And he has no aftertaste, so it does not need to combine several sweeteners and sweeteners to achieve a bright taste and stifle subsequent bitterness.
The only difference from sand and refined sugar obtained from beets, that effect when used is felt cool. It is connected with the fact that the dissolution of erythritol is required more energy.
The benefits
In iSweet no calories. Not at all. The main component is recognized sweetener substance with zero energy value directive 2008/100 / EC. It can be used on any diet.
Slimming sometimes fear that due to the sweet taste of sweeteners and receptor stimulation causes the release of insulin, and hence enhance appetite. In erythritol with zero glycemic index of such a side effect is not present, it can be freely used in diabetes. Extract mogrosides from arhatship not cleaved to generate energy and do not affect the production of insulin.
In iSweet there are other useful features. For example, the sweetener is rapidly excreted from the body through the small intestine and kidney, but not through the large intestine. The result - no negative influence on the microflora.
About miracles in reality
When it comes to the new miracle products, naturally treat them with suspicion. iSweet does not fall under this rule, because, firstly, the product is not so new. Erythritol massively used in the food industry since 1990, and Arhat - much longer. Secondly, these ingredients investigated the length and breadth, and their safety is confirmed by scientists. Third, there are no miracles here, iSweet was the result of scientific work that unites tradition and innovation in the science of nutrition.
It's time to switch to a healthy diet, without losing the pleasure.