How to cook without a recipe Tarte Tatin
Food / / December 19, 2019
Tatena to make better use of the old cast iron frying pan with a diameter of about 25 cm. Depending on the size of the dishes you may need 4 to 6 apples, leaf ready puff pastry, as well as oil and sugar for the caramel.
While the oven heats up to 215 degrees, prepare the apples, clean them, remove the core and cut into thick slices. Choosing varieties of apples, be careful that they are not too soft, otherwise raspolzutsya slices in the oven.
Prepare caramel. Perhaps this step is the most difficult to prepare without a prescription, especially if you have no experience. Count the number of ingredients should be based on the fact that the oil must be melted sufficiently to wet the entire sugar. By volume is about half a cup of oil and a half cups of sugar. Yes, if the amount of oil and sugar in the French recipe does not lead you to the horror, then you definitely doing something wrong.
After a few minutes of cooking the sugar begins to melt, turning into a bubbling caramel. At this stage, the ingredients do not mix, and wait until the surface appear dark point, and only after this slight rocking mix the contents of the pan. Caramel acquire the color of boiled condensed milk. This is a signal that it's time to spread the apple slices.
Lay the apple slices in a frying pan in circles as close as possible to each other.
Roll out puff pastry layer thickness up to about a centimeter. Eye, adjust the size of the sheet of dough to the size of the pan and cover with stuffing, gently tucking the edges inward. Make a cross-shaped cut in the center for steam to escape.
Leave the apple tart is baked in the oven for 15 minutes, then reduce heat to 180 degrees temperature and continue cooking 10-15 minutes more.
Tart from oven, cool for five minutes and then carefully turn on the grid, while avoiding splashing hot caramel. Serve the tart can be just as or with a scoop of ice cream.