How to draw a dog 25 best ways
Educational Program Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
How to draw a cartoon dog muzzle
What you'll need
- Paper;
- a marker pen or a pencil.
How to draw a dog
1. Draw a horizontal line convex. Under it, draw a small oval, add highlight and fill the resulting nose.
2. Bottom draw two curved lines that occur under your nose. At their tips more paint on one short dashes.
3. On the sides of the two curved lines Draw the cheeks dogs.
4. Down from the lips draw two smooth tapering towards the middle of the line. Put them in the center of the curved tick. From its edges rounded continue down the line - it will be a protruding tongue. Carry out from its base downwards a small feature.
5. Below the mouth, your tongue, Doris rounded chin. On top of the nose, add two vertical oval shape - eye. Inside, near the middle, paint on two more smaller pieces. Designate them glare and paint oval pupils.
6. Over his eyes bulging paint on two lines, and just above the center - knocks shorstku.
7. From this release shorstki the edges down smooth lines. Round off them near the eyes and bring it to the top so as to have hanging ears. At their base, add little dashes.
8. Along the edges of the eye Doris head rounded lines. Connect the left ear with a small dashes. Put under the nose several points, and paint the mouth over the tongue.
Optional drawing you can draw with crayons, markers or markers.
What other options are there
Here is a quick and simple way to draw a dog's snout:
Here's how to depict a pug's face:
This instruction on drawing Jack Russell Terrier:
How to draw a realistic dog muzzle
What you'll need
- Paper;
- a pencil;
- eraser.
How to draw a dog
1. To draw such a beautiful Labrador, first mark the circle. Slightly above the middle of the horizontal draw a curved line. Above the left side of a vertical line, as shown in a photo.
2. Bottom left, beyond the lower edge, draw a circle of smaller diameter than the previous one.
3. The right side of the inside of the head release horizontal line down almost to the edge of the large circle. Right abroad sketch print another slash to about the middle of the head. Connect it to the first. Left Draw another line at an angle, and from it draw a line down to a small circle. Below him on the left and a right ear mark the smooth contours of the neck.
4. Above the horizontal line mark the eyes, slightly elongated along the edges. The left should be a little smaller than the right. Each eye is draw a top and bottom of the broken lines.
5. Inside the eye, draw a small round glare and pupils. Shade the past. Highlight the eyes form a clear and bold lines. Details are in video instructions below. Mark eyebrows small strokes.
6. Inside the circle of smaller diameter oval Doris disposed horizontally. Then, more by clicking on the pencil, select the top of the oval and the Draw at the edges inside the nostrils. Add between them, slightly to the left, a smooth vertical line. Along the lower edge of the oval walk in broken lines.
7. Carry out under the nose of a small vertical line. At the intersection of two circles mark the lips. From left to add another smooth line. Down from it, beyond the border of the circle, draw the left part of the lip. Draw a line up to the left of the nose, as shown in the photo.
8. Doris short curved lower lip. Right slightly exit abroad the smaller circle and touches continue lip up his border.
9. The broken lines depicting wool circle outline of the right ear. Bottom and left sides make smoother. On the left, closer to the edge, add a little more shorstki.
10. Draw a bold top of the head. Dashed lines mark the left ear, dorisovyvaya his right side near the eye. Top left image, add volume, having a vertical dashes smooth line. Make the lower edge of the ear narrower. Draw hair on the neck.
11. Draw the fur around the eyes, under the right ear and on the neck. Erase pencil sketches where possible. If you erased any desired line, simply re Doris them.
12. shade eyes and nose, leaving the last highlight - the light strip.
13. Shade the rest of the head, taking into account the direction of hair growth. Under the nose and eyes, at the edges of the ears and on the neck make the blackout. Add a point above the lip.
All the details are in this video:
What other options are there
That is incredibly cool Husky drawing. At the beginning of the video the author even shows all the pencil technique that will be used:
In this master class to explain how to draw head German Shepherd:
Very cute Jack Russell Terrier, colored pencils:
This, in contrast to the previous, relatively quick and easy way to paint a realistic Spaniel:
How to draw a sitting dog in cartoon style
What you'll need
- Paper;
- simple pencil, pen, marker pen, or marker.
How to draw a dog
1. Draw a small oval at an angle. Inside, add another smaller one. Swipe down a small corner and paint everything except the small oval. This will be the nose.
2. Under him draw two horizontal lines flowing. From the edge of the right lower down the curving line and complete it at the end of this same right line. On the edge, add a little hyphen.
3. In the lower part of the mouth and tongue label paint remaining space. Above the nose to the left draw vertical oval, and inside - is another. Inside the second picture the oval shape as shown in the picture, and in the center - a small circle. Paint the figure and paint on top of the cilia.
4. Right mark the outlines of the other eye. It should be a little wider than the first. The inside draw an oval, and in it the same shape and the circle, as in the previous step. Paint the figure and add eyelashes.
5. Left picture a convex curve below the cheek. Swipe up from her smooth line and bend it to the right. Draw a top protruding hairs. Draw the lower part of the head.
6. Over the eyes picture the elongated teardrop-shaped eyebrows. To the left of the outline border head swipe up a little hell. From it release down the line curved, round off her cheek on the right, and complete over a small feature. Connect the ear with a head on her eyelashes. Just below knocks bangs swipe down a smooth line and slightly rounded on the left chin level. Under the bangs release down another curve - edge of the second ear - and attach it at the bottom of the first. To avoid mistakes, see photos and video below.
7. Under head paint on a flat teardrop shape, tapering to the right ear. This is part of the neck. Under her picture a similar figure - collar. Left under him add two horizontal parallel dashes and the sides finish a two convex lines, occurring in the middle. You should get a bone. Connect it with a collar ring.
8. Under bone swipe down a smooth line and mark paw with two fingers. On the right, draw another smooth line, paint on a paw with three fingers and draw from them the line up.
9. Between breast mark. At the bottom near the right (to risuyuschemu) forelimb horizontal picture a rounded back and share your fingers. From the right ear edge swipe back line and connect it to the back of his paw.
10. Above hind paw at the base of the front, round the thigh label line. Add a curved tail, having two almost parallel lines right from the back of the dog.
11. Doggie can be left in such a way to add it spots - then get Dalmatians - or just colorize.
What other options are there
Super-simple and fast way to portray dog sitting:
This is a nice little drawing Pomeranian:
Here's how to portray Schnauzer:
In this video the author draws French Bulldog:
How to draw a dog sitting in a realistic style
What you'll need
- Paper;
- a pencil;
- eraser.
How to draw a dog
1. To portray the sitting puppy Laika, first draw a circle. Around the middle of a horizontal angle, slightly rounded line. top center, add a flat horizontal line.
2. In the middle of the bottom of the draw a circle smaller. It should not go beyond the defined boundaries. Mark the top of the ears.
3. Under the head, draw another circle so that it was the first. Paint on the left semi-oval shape, as shown in the photo.
4. Bottom draw two vertical lines - future forepaws. Bottom left mark the outline of the rear legs and tail.
5. Schedule little round eyes. Shade the edges, giving the eyes an oval shape. Top, add a little bit of wool with short strokes. Inside designate pupils and highlights.
6. inside the small circle Draw an oval nose. Stroke its outline and make the bottom of a small extension. Draw a nose and run in the bottom of a small vertical line.
7. Under the noses of label closed mouth. Spend the line-up beyond a small circle. Short strokes trace the contours of the ear and Draw shorstku in the middle. The same broken lines circle the entire head. At the bottom of the exit a little bit of the circle boundaries.
8. Likewise Draw the front legs and the fingers on them.
9. Short strokes add fingers and upper part of the foot to the outline of the rear paws. From the heel touches draw a line up around the middle of the tail. Between forepaws same lines Draw hind paw with two fingers.
10. Add shorstku on breast, abdomen, back and on the back of his paw. In the back of the bottom of the exit beyond the outline. Add the tail, draw the outline around his hair.
11. Erase all pencil sketches where possible. If somewhere lost the desired line, simply paint on them again. Shade midway ears. Hatching designate the shadows on the right side of the dog.
12. Add the shadow under beast. Fill and Draw nozzle pattern above the eyes, leaving light droplike portions over inner corners of eyes and an elongated portion therebetween. Shade the top of the head and back of the hair growth.
13. Shade the rest of the back and chest.
The detailed process is shown in the video:
How to draw a dog standing in cartoon style
What you'll need
- Paper;
- a pencil;
- eraser.
How to draw a dog
1. Draw a horizontal line. From the right end down draw a another, and from the latter - a little horizontal line to the right. Give a figure shape faces and complete the sketch on the left.
2. To the left of the lower part of the head slide at an angle a little hell. From her left and release a horizontal line. From the right side of the neck bent down, swipe the line. Bottom paint on slightly protuberant abdomen and connect it back to the horizontal line.
3. Front under the breast down release three vertical lines. Draw your fingers between them. Curved lines in the picture the breast bending forepaws. From the middle of the abdomen draw a curved line to the left, add another line back and join them at the bottom. For this paw paint on another in a V-shaped figure.
4. If a nose It seems longish, wipe it off and trim. Draw a large oval eyes and paint the pupil. Top add a raised eyebrow. Paint on a small nose.
5. Chin outline the zigzag shorstku. Above the eye in this way Draw overhanging bangs. Hair should be directed to the nose. Draw on top of a smooth head line.
6. Make fatter rear head line. To the left of the eye smooth release down the line, slightly rounded right under the chin. Next to perform another, slightly rounded her left around his neck. Connect the two lines at the bottom near the feet so as to obtain dangling ear. Wipe inside extra pencil sketches.
7. Outline contours legs and lightly paint over those located in the background. Take a brighter line of the abdomen and back. Paint on a small tail sticking out hairs.
8. Under the chin, add the tip of the ear of another by means of zigzag lines. Shorstka on it should be facing down. Paint tip. Above the picture the front ear shorstku. Take a brighter upper part of the eye.
9. paint on grass on both sides at the level of the tips of the ears, under the tail and paws. Add a dark spot on the back of the doggie. Erase pencil sketches and lightly shade the front tip of the ear.
What other options are there
Here is a simple way to portray dog standing:
Another hilarious cartoon animal:
Here it is shown in detail, how to draw and paint a dog:
And this video lovers nice little Corgi:
How to draw a dog standing in a realistic style
What you'll need
- Paper;
- a pencil;
- eraser.
How to draw a dog
1. In this master class, we depict the beautiful West Highland White Terrier. Draw a circle as the outline of the head. Around the middle of the rounded picture a horizontal line. Top slightly to the right, follow a horizontal line. At the bottom, add another circle, not going beyond borders.
2. Top mark the outlines of the ears. Below left, draw a circle slightly larger than head. He should go for it a bit. From left to add another circle a little bit smaller than the previous one.
3. At the bottom of the left and right paws make sketches. Connect the two circles at the top and bottom. Lower connecting line should be slightly convex. Add the outlines of protruding tail.
4. Draw round eyes and pushing the pencil, give them a more oval shape. On the left side of the right element, add some dashes - hair covering the eyes. Paint on the fur around and above the eyes. Inside designate glare, pupils and shade the rest of the space.
5. Inside the small circle mark the small oval. According to the top of the walk short strokes. In the middle of the picture the nostrils and below the center draw a vertical line. Under the nose make a horizontal line of dashes. In the same way, continue the line to the left, top and right.
6. Circle touches the edge of the ears, a little beyond the boundaries of sketch. Add a line in the middle ear. Them down in the same way Draw head. Add the hair on the chin and around the eyes. Details are on the photo, and in the video below.
7. Draw paws short strokes, imitating fur. For this outline between the front paws swipe down smooth line. Left of the left picture a sketch another. At the bottom between them paint on the foot and toes. Right from the right draw a sketch another edge of the foot and also add at the bottom of the foot and toes. Similarly mark the hind legs. The detailed process is shown in the video below.
8. Broken lines trace the contours of the body. Under the picture the head on the breast strokes shape like the letter V. Add the dog fluffy tail painted on the dotted lines on the sides of his sketch.
9. Erase all pencil sketches on the body and muzzle. If somewhere removed the desired line by simply Draw them again.
10. clicking on pencil, Shade midway ears, the area around the eyes, nose and mouth. Lighter shading add color wool, observing the direction of hair growth.
11. Stroke the breast, abdomen, left side of the front legs and the back of the animal. Add shadows under the dog.
All the details in this manual:
What other options are there
Master class from the same author in drawing realistic Pug:
Here's how to portray beagle:
This video will help you to create a proud furry shiba inu:
This instruction on drawing colored dachshund:
see also🐶🎨📜
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