In Microsoft Edge can now block ads using AdBlock or Adblock Plus
Browsers / / December 19, 2019
The first news of the introduction of the browser extensions Edge systems have appeared quite a long time, but their range was limited only to a few test copies of most Microsoft. And now, it seems, it's still moved the ball rolling and third-party developers are also involved in the process. Anyway, AdBlock and Adblock Plus are already available.
Extensions AdBlock and Adblock Plus is the most popular tools to block advertising. The total number of users in the millions and continues to grow. These extensions have versions for virtually all existing browsers, and finally there was a solution for microsoft Edge.
Install extension AdBlock and Adblock Plus you can shop directly from Windows applications (links at end of article). After that, in the main menu Edge Browser, see "Extensions" icon will be a new extension. If desired, you can enable the display of the icons directly on the browser toolbar beside the address bar. Please note that all this can only reproduce in test builds of Windows 10. The fact that it is and how to become a tester, we wrote in this article.
In the advanced settings (I tested only adblock Plus) Are almost the same features as the versions for other browsers. However, not all of them work. For example, I did not manage to add any other stop-list, other than the default. But let's not forget that this is only a test version, and hopefully to eliminate such problems in the final release.
As you can see, Microsoft is slowly but surely brings to mind the Edge browser. In our recent survey you said that the emergence of the necessary extensions can give a chance to the browser. And what do you say now?
Developer: BetaFish
Price: Free
Developer: developer
Price: Free