ToSDR - extension, which tells about the rules for using the service
Browsers / / December 19, 2019
There is no greater lie than pressing the button "I have read" under a license agreement or terms of use. But, if you are using a particular service, be aware of its pitfalls is important. Expanding ToSDR talk about them briefly and in simple language.
I never read the terms of use. I think that's no surprise, so does every one of us. Several scandals with Facebook and Instagram, which imperceptibly from users changed their terms of service, slightly increased the desire to read the sheets of the legal text, but still who does? Virtually none.
ToSDR Developers (Terms of Service: Did not Read) thinking and created in the same expansion, which summarizes It describes on how to use many popular sites, and even assigned a classification from A to E. In the YouTube, for example, Class D. Expansion and also shows the reasons for which the service is given a low rating: data can be deleted at any time and without the knowledge of users.
By clicking on any of the items you can go to a more detailed description and a link to the exact location in terms of use. While ToSDR database is not too great. The list includes YouTube, 500px, Google, SoundCloud, GitHub, DuckDuckGo and others. But even so quite interesting to know that the secret of the Internet giant for thousands of legal words.
The extension is in versions for Chrome, Opera, Safari, Mozilla and Internet Explorer. A non-profit service, and you can use it for free. But financial support further work ToSDR can be anyone.