9 extensions that help fix the most annoying shortcomings of the Web
Browsers / / December 19, 2019
I am sure that you are not just met websites that persistently offer all visitors to subscribe to your newsletter, Like on Facebook or send a message on Twitter. Only you will start to read an interesting article, and there before my eyes there is a pop-up banner, which is sometimes even impossible to close.
Expanding BehindTheOverlay versed with these pop up ads in a jiffy. Now, no one will bother you with their requests and detract from the reading.
Price: 0
Developer: developer
Price: Free
Page One (Chrome, Safari) and Re-Pagination (Firefox)
Some are too clever creators of sites in the pursuit of additional clicks and views break long articles into multiple parts. Thus, in order to read the material before the end, you have to browse through several pages of the site, losing precious time in the transitions.
Well, there are special extensions that solve this problem. They can be in the background to load all of the articles and place them on the same page.
No, probably more terrible punishment than meaningless work done. For example, you type in some hard-won position in the social network or caustic reply opponent in the forum, and then suddenly there is a failure, and all of your text disappears into nowhere. It's a shame, is not it?
If you want to avoid these problems, install the extension Lazarus. It keeps in the background all the texts that you enter the site, and can at any time to restore them. I have more than once rescued this useful utility.
Magic Actions
YouTube contains a vast number of great films, broadcasts, lectures, but not everyone likes to watch them directly on the site. The reasons for this - too overloaded interface, an abundance of advertising, inadequate commentators and other distractions.
If you want to really enjoy watching videos on YouTube, set the extension Magic Actions. It cuts off all extraneous elements, and makes this service at this online movie theater where there is only you and chosen you to view the video.
Price: 0
Price: Free
Silent Site Sound Blocker and Smart Tab Mute
I do not know what they think SEO master, but sometimes they come to mind quite crazy ideas. For example, to include every site visitor without permission and confirmation of some "very important" video. You click on a link to read the article, and where there is something in the basement, built-in player that starts you something to tell. terribly annoying.
Expansion Silent Site Sound Blocker and Smart Tab Mute make it so that you do not even notice these troubles. With their help, you can fine-tune the rules of conduct for each tab. Now only will you decide which site you can talk to, and what better to keep silent.
Another very annoying online galleries with thumbnails so small that they can not see absolutely nothing. To view the image in full size you need every time to open a new page, twisting counter visits to the site owner.
It is much easier to install Imagus expansion and not to suffer. You can simply move the mouse cursor on the image, and then you will see a pop-up window with the full version of the image.
Not all sites on the web are ideal for comfortable reading. Here you will find, is, interesting stuff, but this awful background, the fine print and continually on the sides melteshaschaya advertising spoil all impression!
To combat such deficiencies have Pocket. Simply redirect the article in this service, and it should come out clean and beautifully decorated for reading material, which can absorb not only in the browser on the computer, but also on any mobile devices.
Price: 0
Price: Free
Social Fixer
If there is something that bothers you in Facebook, then you simply must try the Social Fixer. Its scope is very broad: the removal of the policy messages, changing the order of issuance of the news, easy search posts and interlocutors with whom you communicate, the removal of Facebook advertising, highlighting the importance to you, and more more.
Price: 0
uBlock Origin
Well, finally, came the turn of a major expansion, which will save you from pop-ups, huge banners, bollards pages and other promotional abuse. With uBlock Origin internet is growing fast, white and fluffy, so most people simply do not surf without this extension.
Price: 0
Developer: developer
Price: Free
Price: Free
What kind of expansion to correct Web pages you use problems?