In Opera 11 now has a grouping of tabs and support for extensions
Makradar Browsers / / December 19, 2019
The most popular browser among users of Mac computers have always been Safari, Chrome and Firefox. But now and Opera, updated to version with the serial number 11, is ready to compete with them for the attention and favor of the owners of Apple technology.
To draw attention to their product, Opera 11 developers implemented in it are some very comfortable and quite functional features. Particular attention should be paid to the function Tab Staking. This system of organizing tabs - tabs - for easy and convenient management when working with a browser. Tabs are grouped into thematic clusters by simply dragging one another. When you hover the cursor on the first tab of the links in the drop-down box will appear and the other placed in the group. Tabs to easily gather in groups and quickly disbanded if necessary.
In addition, Opera 11 includes a built flash unit. This option, of course, is called a little differently - "work on demand plugin." It implies the ability to disable plugins like Adobe Flash. When you get to the page where the plugin work actually required (eg, viewing flash video), only one click is required to turn it on.
Finally, Opera 11 also supports extensions (Extensions), which makes this browser is nothing worse than Explorer, Chrome, Safari or Mozilla. Do not forget about more support for HTML5.
At the moment, users interested in a new browser can download a beta version of it's official site.