If you are deprived of a good mobile internet, you do not know firsthand about the Opera Mini browser. He has recently been updated to version eight and became really cool! Discover it in our review.
The inhabitants of civilized countries will ridicule those who are forced to continue to use the Internet with EDGE and GPRS networks. Opera Mini - it's probably the best solution for those whose Internet is poor.
Thanks to several special Opera regimes significantly compresses web pages, and allows for faster booting. Until recently, it was impossible to watch without tears, but now Opera Mini has been updated to version eight and became much better!
First, look. Browser changed and now looks very good. Moreover, some elements, such as the interface tabs, so good that it would be nice to see them in other browsers.
I will not go away express panel, familiar to all users of Opera. It shows your favorite sites. Swipe left or right, you can call history, and recommendations. The recommendations are displayed various news and content from the Internet, which are chosen based on your taste.
But, of course, for which Opera Mini love most of all is for the economy of the traffic. The new Opera has three modes:
- Mini mode;
- Turbo Mode;
- No compression.
Mini mode sends all web pages on the Opera server where they are compressed to 90% (sounds too good), and redrawn in a compressed form sent to you. Thus you save traffic and page load times.
Turbo Mode even further compresses the image to increase the page loading speed. Naturally, this happens at the expense of quality, and you can adjust the compression ratio in the additional settings. Well, no compression mode is the page in the form in which it was originally designed.
A new feature in Opera - this theme. And a lot of them! I have not counted, but, having taken their eyes, I came to the conclusion that there are about 20. In the settings you can deal with, the cookies have, pop-ups, and if you need to request the full version of the site.
From the small, but nice chips can note barcode scanner, a choice of a search engine (Google, «Yandex»), as well as a slider that allows you to move the cursor in the search query. By the way, the slider is very easy to use, and it is a pity that this is not in other applications.
And finally, the most important thing. That's how a web page looks in Opera Mini.
Here are some tips that Opera developers have shared in his blog:
- You can close tabs on in playback mode for not one, but several - on how much you have enough fingers.
- Holding the plus in viewing tabs opens a list of recently closed tabs.
- If you pull down the express panel, it opens the address bar.
- If you pull down the page, you can update it simple gesture, without pressing any buttons.
Opera has turned out to make the creators of the browser really cool for those who can not fast mobile Internet. Moreover, I do not see any disadvantages, which are not allowed to use Opera Mini on a regular basis. It is fast and stable browser that deserves your attention.
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