Tabagotchi for Google Chrome save your computer's memory
Browsers / / December 19, 2019
Expanding Tabagotchi for Google Chrome browser will help curb the appetite for RAM, turning the process into a game.
Google Chrome browser is known for its voracity. For each opened tab hides a separate process, so, on the one hand, the browser is stable and you can be sure that he would never "fall," and you do not lose important data. On the other hand - at some point, the computer simply begins to slow down.
So, install the extension Tabagotchi, you will see a new tab, which will be live virtual pet. He is quite unpretentious, but each open browser tab takes him four points health in a hundred that could eventually kill him. At the state of health and mood deteriorated substance. But this process is reversible: closing tabs, you're happy pet, and his health is restored.
Tabagotchi may grow. To do this, you need to keep no more than five tabs open within an hour. After ten o'clock pet such a regime transformed. The progress you informed of the status bar with ten levels.