Agile Web Solutions Company updated your 1Password password manager to version 3.4. This is a database for secure storage of information on all the input on computer passwords, whether it's a credit card code, data access to different sites, as well as other confidential content.
Among the innovations in version 3.4 should pay attention to compatibility a beta version of the Firefox web browser 4 (at least partially). work 1PasswordAnywhere option is also improved, which allows to use the program simultaneously on different platforms, be it Mac, Windows or Linux. Feature Sync Conflict Resolver also improved, and now it provides complete information about the conflicting objects. Find menu item and Resolve Sync Conflicts available in the drop down panel 1Password's Tools in the settings section.
In addition, 1Password 3.4 fixed minor malfunctions, improved localization and operation of the data entry fields. It is compatible with such browsers like Safari, Camino, Firefox, OmniWeb, DEVONagent, NetNewsWire, Netscape Navigator, and Flock.
The program costs $ 40. Of the requirements for computer - set it running Mac OS X 10.5 or higher. 1Password 3.x owners can upgrade to the version discussed above for free.