The analyst firm Net Applications spends research popularity among users of different browsers. And it provided the data, Chrome browser from Google has attracted the attention of a growing number of users.
At the moment, the most popular and commonly used browser is Internet Explorer, Microsoft offspring (67.7% of the browser market). But actively catches up with Mozilla Firefox (it owns 22.5% of the browser market). But in a relationship Chrome and Apple's Safari passions run stronger. According to data provided by Net Applications, Safari uses 4.1% of the people on the Internet, while Chrome has only 2.6% of the browser market. But this gap can be considered small: a difference of 1.5% is still less than 6.6%, as it was earlier. In fairness, we should not forget about the Opera. This browser prefers to only 2% of users. Of course, Chrome could overtake and surpass Safari in popularity, but it will take at least another year (that's assuming that the monthly number of Chrome users will grow by 0.12%).
However, Chrome's popularity can increase when Google will release a browser version for Mac and the Linux, because at the moment the browser only works on Windows. Early Chrome build for Mac and Linux are available only to developers. But even the public beta for ordinary users not yet ready.
It is worth noting that in the developer version of Chrome for Mac is limited support for Adobe Flash is already appearedAnd this is a big step forward (while videos can only play and is very rare when you can stop or pause, press). Apparently, working at the finish line, and Google will present in the autumn of working beta version of the browser for Mac OS X.