When the first beta version was released Google Chrome for MacWe asked readers his impressions of the new browser. Opinions were divided: some, noting the speed of work, has already managed to make Chrome the default browser, and some remained faithful Safari.
Team edition Computerworld has tested different browsers for JavaScript processing speed. According to the results of tests it was found that the browser Safari - the fastest of all the subjects. In the Safari slightly exceeded Chrome from Google, proved to be twice as fast as Firefox and ten times faster than Opera.
Evaluation Computerworld staff were performed using test SunSpider packet. The test was performed three times for each browser in the operating system Mac OS X 10.6, and then all the results were averaged.
Chrome beta version is now available for Mac download on site Google. To use the browser on the Mac must be running Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard or later. Another requirement - Mac computer must be equipped with an Intel processor.