Why Stock Android is far from being the best version of the system
Android / / December 19, 2019
There is a belief among Android users, what stock image of the operating system is the fastest, most reliable and user-friendly. However, this opinion is hopelessly out of date.
Each year, Google is the latest version of Android. However, most of the major manufacturers (Samsung, LG, Xiaomi, Huawei, ASUS and so on) do not rush to install it on their devices. On the basis of stock image of the operating system they release their own version of the software for smartphones produced by them.
Some of these shells made only superficial visual adjustments. Others, such as MIUI, so profoundly change the system, that it is difficult to find Android signs. But in any case, users are convinced that only the Stock Android version can maximize the speed, security and reliability of the mobile device.
Yes, a few years ago for such claims it was the soil. Many branded firmware chased primarily by external effects, which makes the system more cumbersome and demanding. It was fashionable in the OC implement many of its own and partner programs, with in such a way that the user can not remove it. Not surprisingly, the Stock Android version became the epitome of speed and cleanliness.
But everything flows, everything changes. In recent years, the shell of large companies - TouchWiz, EMUI, LG UX, MIUI, Xperia (we are talking about them, not about artefacts rootless small Chinese producers) - made a big step forward. They are better optimized, less demanding on system resources, and do not differ on the rate of flow.
At the same time, these systems offer a number of additional useful features, which are so lacking in the usual Android.
- Built-in control mode with one hand, needed to work with a large-screen devices.
- Changing the location on the navigation panel, its size and other display options.
- Appointment of additional features and gestures navigation buttons.
- Changing the color scheme of registration of the operating system, night mode.
- The use of third-party set of icons.
- Changing the system fonts.
- Performance management through automatic profiles.
- Special reading mode.
- Using a floating window video and music player.
Yes, some of these features can be added via special applications. But this will agree, is quite different.
Thus, it is time to abandon the old mistakes and admit that sink version of Android right now is not at all the best mobile system.
And what kind of development can apply for the title? This question I suggest you find yourself with an honest vote. And of course, feel free to express their opinion in the comments.