Universal RSS-client for Android News +
Android / / December 19, 2019
News + is designed to be a convenient and functional All Android-client for reading news through a variety of Web services, came to replace Google Reader.
It's been six months since the closing of Google Reader today and emotions that accompanied this event, appear to be too exaggerated. RSS technology is not fully happened, all right found a replacement favorite rss-client, and many have even forgotten about its existence. Roughly the same thing happens on the Android platform: choice of newsreaders is quite wide, but their functionality is quite sufficient for most users. However, we want you to recommend another great app for reading news feeds called News +. What he's so good, you will learn below.
Author News + - the same developer who previously created the popular rss-client GReader. His new product is designed to be a convenient and functional way to read news through a variety of Web services, came to replace Google Reader. Development News + started about 6 months ago, around the same time when the GReader was added Feedly support. Members GReader should feel in a new application at home, as many of the functions are exactly the same. News + includes support for podcasts, text-to-speech, notifications, multiple view modes, offline reading, sync, and even a plugin for Tasker.
The application interface is well adapted for phones and tablet use, it has a night view mode, as well as interchangeable themes. Widgets are not currently available, but they will be added with future updates.
News + is designed on a modular system and can add functionality by using special add-ons. Immediately after installation, the application can only display news from Google News, but by setting the special free add-ons, you can make friends with many of its other services. At present, it can be integrated with the following web applications to read news:
- InoReader (Play Store)
- BazQux Reader (Play Store)
- Tiny Tiny RSS (Play Store)
- FeedBin (Play Store)
- NewsBlur (Play Store)
- Pocket (Play Store)
- SubReader (sideload)
- Reedah (sideload)
- CommaFeed
- Google Reader API Clones (sideload via Github)
You can download News + free Google applications store, but to remove the ads and enable additional functions will need to buy the paid version of the key. If you like the program for reading news GReader, but want to try a more perfect product from the same developer, then you should test the News + in action.