How to disable the autostart program in Android
Android / / December 19, 2019
Android operating system for all its virtues has one not very good property, namely the ability to gradually slow down the speed of their work as service. Just as often happens on Windows, with the installation of new programs, more modules and programs will start with the system, thereby slowing down its work.
application BootManager is designed to solve this problem and help manage the startup items on your mobile device.
BootManager - it's not a standalone application and a module for Xposed. What is it and how to use it, you can find in our recent article. We only recall that you definitely need the superuser (root) to run this application.
After starting the program you will see a list of all the programs that load at startup. Please note that the free version only shows user applications, to display the system will have to make a small donation for the development of tools.
Click on any entry to disable the autorun. The string will turn red, indicating that the start of this program is prohibited. Although Android download time depends primarily on the firmware version, however, the decrease in the number of downloadable elements makes the system available for use much faster.
Price: Free