Decided to learn the language? What prevents just open a dictionary and learn all the words in a row? That's right, no association and repetition you do not learn anything - in the head will be a hodgepodge of words, and some of them will be over.
There is one simple technique involving the use of cards, associations and the right selection words, which allows you to teach 100 or more words a day, quickly learn the basics of the language and increase vocabulary stock. This methodology is presented in a free app for iOS and Android «Uchisto".
In it, you can easily learn words on the proposed method of memorization, and keep track of your progress, and set reminders to repeat the already learned material. But first things first.
Technique paper cards
With paper cards more than one generation of translators increases your vocabulary in record time. This seemingly simple technique is based on the mechanism of storing, using short-term and long-term memory.
Students have a deck of cards, one side of each of which are written in a foreign word, and the second - translation. He flips through the cards, pronouncing foreign words and memorizing translation. If the word memories - puts the card aside - if not, it removes the bottom of the deck, to reiterate later.
After memorizing all the words are laid card in hand, and after a certain period of time (a week or a month) are reiterated.
Originally learned the word falls in short-term memory, and after the cards are set aside, quickly forgotten. But then it turns out that the information is erased in handy instead of short-term memory and learned words fall into the long-term. In other words, firmly remembered.
As paper cards, only better
Annex "Uchisto" fully implemented, this technique card. You can flip them, read a new word in the English language and its transcription, and on the reverse side - translation.
You can postpone learned cards aside, pressing "learn", or leave them to repeat, simply swipe perelistnuv. In addition, you can change the settings and to learn words, translating from Russian to English.
After studying each dictionary is automatically set the timer "Check 30 days" so that you periodically undergo tests and do not forget the material covered.
As you can see, the technique card is fully implemented in the application, however, in contrast to the actual cardboard cards, learn words in "Uchisto" is much more convenient for several reasons.
Firstly, on each card is not only a transcription, but also the audio icon, clicking on which you listen to the correct pronunciation of words in English. Thus, the application partly replaces your teacher.
Second, you can edit the translation of words, adding a note of their associations with the word. Associations technique helps to memorize words even better and already from the first transfer them to long-term memory.
Association and the full procedure "Uchisto"
The word that is not associated with familiar to you, it is easy enough to forget. The brain is simply not built a neural connection to this word, it is incomparable with anything associated and immediately disappears from your mind.
To remember the word you need to associate it with familiar objects and concepts. For example, you come across a word challenge, Which translates as "the problem".
Can you imagine a spacecraft NASA's "Challenger" and the catastrophe that resulted in the death of all the shuttle team. It was a strong blow to the US reputation, huge monetary loss and a real challenge.
Thus, the unknown word is associated in your brain: challenge = Catastrophe shuttle "Challenger» → serious problem. You built a association, new neural connections in the brain, and now you can easily remember what the word means.
When you come up with a bright associations that the word translated, take the time to press the button "learn". First, to repeat the words out loud five times, representing at that time his picture. By the way, for the Association Council to represent something funny and absurd - brighter remembered.
So full training technique "Uchisto", with which you and will remember the words in the application reads as follows:
You read an unfamiliar word → → check their pronunciation, see translation of the word on the second side of the card → represent the association with the word and its translation → five times to repeat the words out loud and at the same time, scroll in the head your association → click "learn» → fasten result of translation from Russian into English → put the reminder to repeat the words 30 days.
If you do not remember the technique, you can always watch it again in the application itself. On the "Settings" tab, in addition to switching from Russian into English and sounds, there is a step by step description of the procedure.
And now another equally important point: what words will you teach. After all the words in dictionaries "Uchisto" chosen not by chance.
We remember only the right words
In total, more than a million English words, but in everyday speech is used in the best case a few thousand. So if you need some basic language skills to speak freely with foreigners, read the online edition in English, watch the news and TV series, then several thousand to start well enough.
The appendix "Uchisto" presented exactly the frequency dictionaries - a selection of the 100 words most frequently used in everyday life and literature.
Why 100 words? It is known that small steps toward the goal to do much easier than trying to learn a lot at one time. A clear allocation to portions of 100 words to help organize their own learning, to start it with pleasure and with the same pleasure to watch your progress.
For a start you are given three free dictionary, which you can estimate how much you like training in the technique "Uchisto". And then you can buy separately in one dictionary or buy all at once at a discount of 20%.
Monitor progress, and do not forget to repeat
In the last tab of the application "Uchisto" you can keep track of your progress by leaps: How much could learn what day of the week, on how many words to boost your vocabulary as a whole.
Of course, a single application is not enough to learn English fluently speak on it. For example, to improve spoken English, you can try lessons with native speakers via Skype, and to replenish the vocabulary - movies and TV shows in English.
However, the application "Uchisto" will provide you a platform for a great start, it helps to believe in their potential and strength, even if you are starting from scratch.
You teach the word in any place and at any time in traffic jams, transport lines or the evening before bedtime, which is particularly effective for long-term memory. The main thing - not to lower the bar.
100 words a day, 700 per week, 3000 per month - and you can already tolerably well explained in English and understand spoken about.
And then - no limits to perfection. New dictionaries are added to the "Uchisto" in each update, so that you always find an excuse for a new workout.
Price: Free
Price: Free