AlarMe for Android: Service corrected for weather
Android / / December 19, 2019
Each person uses a smartphone for different purposes, but with almost 100% probability all we use them more and as an alarm clock. Staff Service Android is very good and easy to use, it allows you to create multiple customizable alarms, each with its own melody and the schedule calls by leaps and bounds. Since version 4.2 it has received more new and cool interface, however, make allowances for weather, the default alarm still does not know how.
Why the alarm clock correction for the weather? It's obvious: we go to sleep and do not know what the climate will meet us outside the window in the morning. Winter - suddenly all piled snow (including car / garage, need time to dig out your vehicle). Spring and fall - everything is fine, and so we are prepared for any weather surges and holding an umbrella and warmer clothes ready. Unpredictable summer - yesterday 24 and the heat, and rain today +12 (need extra time to dress appropriately).
Google Play offers a free Service called AlarMe, and it takes into account all of these weather joke. Application is made in a rather minimalist and by analogy with a standard alarm clock allows you to set up multiple alarms with different time and melodies on different days and times, but in addition to everything in it there is the option of time correction signal depending on the weather.
The user specifies the type of weather, and a corresponding amendment to it. For example: according to the standard I get up at 06:00. However, if a sudden rain outside the window, it will take me about 5-10 minutes to find in the chaos in his umbrella and something to throw it over a shirt, and rainy weather, I set the time 5:50 (application somehow buggy, indicating in brackets are not 10 minutes and 2 hours 10 minutes difference, but works as a it is necessary).
In the event of particularly stormy weather, you can add another 10 minutes, just in case. Unfortunately, the free version of the app allows you to specify only 2 weather rules to one alarm, but it is enough. 6 of the rules can be set in the full version.
Confirming establishment of clock tick, after which the main program is displayed with the block information on the alarm clock. Tap bottom of the block of data is open to the weather rules within this alarm. All this quickly edited via the corresponding settings icon in the top right of the unit.
Application settings are simple and standard:
Asking degrees temperature display (this information will appear in the alarm time), a provider of weather data (to choose from the Open Weather and Weather Underground), duration of signal, a snooze interval for the regime "give sleep a little bit more", select a ring tone, vibrate, and time format We use.