PowerLine - convenient system indicator for Android
Android / / December 19, 2019
Android notification bar able to display some information about the status of the device, such as battery level, signal presence wi-fi, time and some other status. However, this information is completely inadequate and incomplete. You will never be able to accurately determine from them the exact condition of the battery, CPU usage, memory occupancy, or the availability of space on the memory card. And sometimes the monitoring of these data would be very useful. Help in this situation, a small free utility PowerLine.
PowerLine - is a service program for AndroidWhich is able to display a color stripe along the edges of the screen, various settings of your phone or tablet. The list of indicators is not limited to "iron" performance, but also includes certain system events, such as the number of missed calls, received text messages and so on.
Indicators can be placed near any edge of the screen, have different colors and thickness. In general, the settings in the program is sufficient to enable you to create just such a configuration that you enjoy. You can create a multi-layered light on the top of the screen, experimenting with color and transparency of the strips, and can scatter them on different sides of the screen. The application displays information on the lock screen that allows you to assess the state of your phone without even unlock it.
PowerLine it may be useful not only for developers of applications for Android, which need to monitor the impact of their programs on the job devices, but also for gamers and other users who are able to access information about the current state of its device. Since the indicators are displayed in full-screen applications, you can use them, for example, shooting video for the evaluation of free space on the map, in the monitoring CPU load games, memory, and so Further.
Price: Free