Every day after work, I go to the supermarket and spend it for 20-30 minutes. And the bulk of this time I was standing in the queue. Quickly leave the products in the basket, I come to the booths and find ourselves in the anomalous zone, where all processes are slower. This swarming in wallets, counting of the date, PIN-code entries. Ahhhh!
Yes, of course I understand that there are grandparents who, even on plastic cards look with astonishment and distrust, but this does not prevent the owners of smartphones with NFC to save their time and assist to save time other people.
I'm talking about smartphones, because contactless payments cards - this is yesterday. Payment smartphone with NFC Convenient payment by plastic card with NFC, and I will prove it.
People carry smartphones in the most rapidly available place, and I'm willing to bet that you pull out his mobile from his pocket much faster than a card from his wallet. And even if you are a virtuoso on the instant recovery of cash or card out of your pocket or purse, what to do with the payment procedure? Not everything here depends only on you.
Let zakonspektiruem current ways of transferring money on small daily purchases and count up, that would be faster and more convenient.
- Get and wallet.
- Remove the large bills and heard the familiar "Surrender not look smaller," dial the exact amount without delivery.
- To transfer the money to the cashier.
- If the surrender of a major denomination still be found, then wait until the cashier:
- enlighten its authenticity;
- open the store cash register;
- put the bill in the store and pick up the change;
- will give out change.
Plain plastic card without NFC
- And get this wallet or cardholder.
- Remove the card.
- Pass card to the cashier or insert it into a payment terminal.
- If the card from the cashier, wait until it identifies the card from its part of the payment terminal.
- Enter PIN-code.
Plastic card with NFC
- And get this wallet or cardholder.
- Remove the desired map (usually of contactless cards in person a few, but because simply touch leather wallet with a card inside the terminal is not received).
- Touch the card for payment terminals.
Smartphone Wallet with NFC
- Get a smartphone.
- Touch the smartphone to the payment terminals.
You see the difference? Yes, the cash is accepted everywhere, and I'm not in any way saying that you need to abandon it. But if you can pay through the NFC, saving time and less obvious actions, then why not use it?
Do not consider me crazy about hygiene Neat, but sometimes come across as nasty, stained knows what the bill that they want to burn. I am pleased to deliver themselves from the need to once again touch the paper that has passed through thousands of hands and can act as a complete encyclopedia of germs and bacteria.
In Moscow and St. Petersburg to purchases via NFC adds transport and parking, but because residents and an official of the northern capital in the first place it makes sense to learn contactless payments. The larger the city, the more opportunities to use it in the NFC.
The inhabitants of provincial towns, too, all is well, because NFC technology - it's cool, and for the buyer and seller. It reduces the time for payment - increasing the permeability per minute. Smart entrepreneurs have already purchased terminals with NFC, large retail chains are actively implementing NFC. The others will catch up soon, no doubt.
Plastic vs smartphone
NFC technology on all sides is good and will live, can only choose a more convenient way to use contactless payments. Plastic card or smartphone?
Suppose you use a payroll card for purchases with NFC. So, it will be stored on a decent amount of money. I do not know about you, but I do not like to risk their personal finances, and therefore for everyday purchases and especially for online shopping, I use a separate card. I fill up it in small amounts, if necessary, and I relaxed.
The problem is that to get a card in the bank - it's a long and uncomfortable. In general, I'm not talking about big hulking banks (do without names, so no one was offended) because for registration card, always have to go to the office to sign the papers, waiting for days and go to office again for card.
More modern, sophisticated banks, of course, more bright. In my case, since the application for the card carrier prior to arrival passed 16 hours. Courier came straight to the office edition, I signed the papers and got into the hands of the card. It would seem, cool, huh? But maintenance of such a card still costs money.
There is another option - mobile bank cards, which can be discharged through the free Android-app "Purse». In features such cards are no different from plastic and are available in just a few minutes. By the application of "Wallet" smartphone turns into a tool for contactless payment. No waiting, no paperwork and no trips to the office of the bank.
Price: Free
"Wallet" - a CardsMobile development. The application complies with the safety standards and therefore to use it is not terrible. At the moment, the app can be released through the card three Russian banks:
- Prepaid card "Tinkoff". Available for free, without any service fee, no commission is replenished with either a plastic credit card, and through the bank's services.
- Prepaid card bank "Russian Standard". Available for free, without any service fee, no commission is replenished through ATMs and bank services.
- Additional card for the settlement account of the bank "St. Petersburg". Produced according to bank rates tied to the current account does not require replenishment. If necessary, you can add funds via online services, ATMs and bank offices.
For users of the application are special promotions. For example, in November, the service makes it fare in the metro St. Petersburg is not only convenient, but also profitable: users of the application receive back 10% of each trip.
If desired, the mobile card is blocked and immediately reissued with other details. If the idea of using your smartphone as a wallet does not take root, then you simply will translate money on plastic and will return to the usual payment method for purchases. Try it, it's worth it.