TripBudget app serves to help you plan your budget precisely upcoming trip and ensure its implementation.
All people like to travel, but enjoy it requires a certain financial outlay. If you prefer the organized tourism, then calculate the necessary money is not too difficult: the price of tickets + something for souvenirs and more fun. It is quite another thing, if you're a fan of independent travel. In this case, to calculate all the costs of travel, accommodation, meals, excursions - not so simple. Therefore, you should definitely come in handy TripBudget - easy to use program that allows easy to plan and monitor the financial expenses in the journey.
First of all, you need to create a financial plan to travel. To do this, specify the name, select an image for the cover, and set the currency used. You can then proceed to the listed planned costs. To do this, we are offered is divided into several categories (Transport, Accommodation, Food, Entertainment ...) Screen, in which we see a button for entering specific values.
All numbers you entered planned costs are added together, and the results are immediately shown as separate categories, and the total amount for the whole trip. In addition to planning, TripBudget can be used to account for the actual costs. For this purpose there is a second tab, where a similar way, you can enter your actual financial payments. Thus, in the end, you can compare the planned and actual budget.
I am sure that TripBudget may be interested in all the travelers who want to not only relax, but do it sparingly. With the help of this program you will be able to accurately determine how much money you need to take, and to strictly control their consumption.