In Microsoft's figured out how to make machine translation indistinguishable from the executed man. Results can be seen immediately.
Translation from a foreign language is one of the most complex computing tasks. Although the quality of machine translation has grown significantly in recent years, it still lags far behind the quality of the translation made by man. Therefore, Microsoft has started to use in their interpreter the most advanced artificial intelligence technology.
Until now, two translators used computer algorithm machine translation: based on rules (rule-based) and random (statistical-based). Now Microsoft Translator beginning to use the translation for an artificial neural network that is built on the basis of the organization and functioning of biological neural networks - networks of nerve cells of a living organism. The company hopes that this will improve the quality of machine translation to a whole new level.
The new technology is already working in the mobile clients Microsoft Translator for Android and iOS, desktop applications and Skype. Currently translation is available for ten languages, including Russian and English.
IN blog the company noted that while neural translation is in the early stages of implementation, but now the results significantly exceed the previous ones. You can now confirm or deny this claim on a special websiteWhich allows you to compare the old and new algorithms work Microsoft Translator.
We believe that the quality of translation has become much better. And you?
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