Anonymous social network Secret There is already quite a long time. She first became popular in the United States among programmers in Silicon Valley, and most recently received the application and the Android-version became available for download in our country. Around service immediately rose serious HYIP, and Twitter Feed simply dazzled screenshots news. Still this did not happen, because it can be used to read the secrets of others, anonymous comments and still anonymously share their. People have always loved to gossip, is not it?
What you might read on Wikipedia, but will not read
The history of Secret service has its origins back in December of last year. Tehnoblog Techcrunch confirmed the existence of even an unknown start-up, and the next few months, the application was tested in a closed coterie techies. Since February of Secret talking. Publications wrote about investments in the order of $ 2.5 million and called it a new trend in Silicon Valley. At the beginning of the month to evaluate the idea of social network users and managed. Until May Secret was closed for citizens of other countries, as well as for Android users. May 21 the situation has changed and the application has experienced a second wave of the influx of users.
Why service "fired"?
People have always had a craving for the secrets and gossip. And the Secret is not the first attempt to satisfy this desire. Probably the most prominent representative can be considered Public "Overheard" VKontakte, which has collected more than 2 million subscribers, and received a lot of clones. Do not forget also about the foreign colleagues Whisper and PostSecret. Due to the slightly different concept of the last two we did not get such a success we have as a Secret, but it is good to develop the theme of creating anonymous online community. At the same time, no secret there is a new social network. It is simple, convenient, beautiful and perfectly does what you expect from it.
What is the Secret of interest primarily to
As in any other social service begins, due to the huge influx of users in the early days Secret appears in a great number of senseless content, profanity, and other filth. But if this whole husks discarded remains that, for what it actually costs to download and use the Secret. Thanks to the authors of various internet publications and employees of large companies, here almost every day merge some insider gossip. Yes, many of them are fake web, but everyone else can easily bluff some important events before the official release. Here you can find the posts of those who "grieved" or on someone yelled the chief and those of anger quietly decided to take revenge.
Oddly enough, the heads of large companies and publications are afraid of any mention of their creations, which will expose them in a bad light. And it is not unreasonable. For example, recently appeared in the Secret post reporting that the publisher Look at Media delayed wages and blackmail employees on this basis. As it turned out after a few days, it was true.
Here is another example. A remarkable story is the chief editor of Techcrunch Alexia Tsorsis. Whatever was not a trivial record that a user has posted, I decided to have some fun, and comments recording, the girl had to refute the rumor as a dismissal, and that it was "stupid, like a cork" and "terrible in bed. " When the editor of one of the most respected IT-resource answers the silly jokes Secret, you begin to understand that the creators have made the desired service.
These things are not unusual for foreign users. A few months ago some wag has published the "secret", in which he wrote that the new EarPods will connected to either a 3.5 mm jack, and a lightning-port, so you will be able to monitor your heart rate and pressure. As evidence of the guy giving the link to the same blog, where he wrote about it "plausible" story. Ironically, many authoritative media, specializing in Apple technology, managed to publish news even before the joker exposed.
And this is not the last example of the service suggests the hype in the media and doing a secret revealed. This is the whole point and the Secret of interest.
but on the other hand
Anonymous social networking clean the framework in which society puts people. This fact corrupts insecure users, allowing them to hide their faces behind an imaginary screen and open public their secret thoughts and desires, to talk about that in real life they would never have We decided.
Because in the Secret so much dirt in the comments, so disgusting posts. To sum up, the active social networking audience is divided into four parts: those who merges the insides or does infopovody for disclosure of insider these; minded people, generating a considerable proportion of the content; jokers (most likely authors of popular blogs Runet), which are mostly jokes about popular Runet blogs; and those for whom the Secret was the vest, which you can complain.
What future awaits him?
Most likely, over time, the service was reduced momentum and hype around it subsides. Number frankly unpleasant positions and reckless utterances decrease and Secret will become a mixture of sobs in his waistcoat, jokes and insider gossip. The first two points will always be, as there are at least the past because the successful controversial post provides good public relations, no matter how dirty it was.
Many authors complain that soon all declassified and user data will be available to a wide range. Sounds like a regular "predictions" for those who believe in the theory of global conspiracy. But, given that we live in a time when hackers monthly spend some high-profile break-ins and Network merges a lot of confidential information, that prospect seems not so foggy.
In the meantime, Secret is on a wave of popularity and has become a new trend - register and share secrets.